Chapter 17

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It had been a couple of days since their date and Melody hadn’t seen much of Riley. When they did see each other Landon was usually around. Riley had asked her out on another date on the day they both had a lighter class schedule. She tried not to make a big deal but by the day of the date she was visibly giddy. Zoe was still in class so she had to get ready alone. She had music blaring and was dancing around while she got ready. She didn't hear the knock over the loud music or hear the door open. Riley leaned against the door frame and fought to hold back his laughter. She froze when she saw him then glared at him. She shut off the music. 

“I knocked and texted. But it was worth it to see that.” he laughed.

Melody grabbed her cell and was surprised to see two missed messages from him. She punched him in the arm walking out the door. He rubbed it acting like it hurt, still grinning.

“Where are you taking me this time?”

He reached for her hand. She let him take it and followed him. They started walking across campus. 

“Don’t worry we’re not going far.”

She was a little confused when he held open the door to the student fitness center. She knew he enjoyed working out but for a date? Riley laughed when he saw her face. 

“Just trust me.”

She followed him past the gym to the locker rooms. 

“Take this and meet me on the other side.” 

He handed her a backpack, she hadn’t really noticed he had it until now. And he kissed her cheek before walking into the men’s locker room. She went into the women’s locker room and walked over to the locker she used for her aquatics class. She opened the bag Riley gave her. She pulled out a towel and a swimsuit. She cringed looking at the lack of fabric creating the two pieces of swimsuit she was holding up by strings. Typical she thought to herself thinking about Riley picking it out. She put it on and wrapped the towel around herself. 

Riley was wading in the water when he heard the door to the locker room open. He smiled watching her timidly walk out and remove the towel wrapped around her. It felt like his entire body reacted to the sight of her walking toward the pool and sliding down into the water. 

“You’re staring again.” she teased.

Riley drove under the water and swam up to her. Melody wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He put his hands on the wall on either side of her to keep them stable. She smiled up at him and licked her lips looking at his lips. She leaned forward and kissed him. Her whole body came to life. She had missed him. Her fingers ran through his wet hair. She felt one of his hands run down her back. She kissed him deeper and felt his tongue run across her lips. She opened her lips and felt her heart speed up when her tongue met his. He pulled her closer to him. She suddenly felt him; she started rubbing herself against him, causing a loud groan to escape his mouth. After a moment he pulled away from her and swam off. She sank down into the water, smiling, feeling her body slowly cool off. After calming themselves down Riley wrapped her back around him and just drifted in the water. Melody rested her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed; enjoying his fingers running up and down her back and the feel of the water. 

“You’ll have to remind me to thank Zoe.”

“For what?”

“For how amazing you look.”

She looked at him confused.

“Haha she helped me out by buying your swimsuit. I couldn’t tell you to bring yours without giving up the surprise. I didn’t even know where to start so I asked her to get one for you.”

“Then remind me to kill her after you thank her.”

She felt his laugh deep in his chest.


“For one not telling me and for picking such a revealing swimsuit.”

“What are you talking about? You look stunning. I can’t keep my hands off you.”

He started to tickle her on the sides and she swam away from him. He chased after her. When he caught her he picked her up and threw her into the air. When she broke the surface smiling she started splashing him. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her back to him. They were laughing and Riley brushed her hair back out of her face. He kissed her on the cheek and then the other cheek, then the tip of her nose, before finally kissing her on the lips. Riley groaned when he heard the alarm on his phone go off. 

“Times up My Sweets. Time to go.”

They started towards the stairs. 

“Could we get in trouble for being in here?”

“Nah, I told Coach I wanted to use the pool to workout. He gave me the key but wanted them back before heading home for the night, hence the time limit.”

Melody sat on the bench drying her hair with the towel. She barely heard what he was saying. The whole time she spent staring at him. Now out of the water she could see all of him; his chest muscles, abs, and that mouth watering V disappearing down below his swim trunks. Watching the water droplets gliding down his muscles made her want to lick them. She licked her lips. 

“Now who’s the one staring.”

She looked up at his face. She could see the desire in his eyes. He walked closer to her.

“Sweets stop biting that lip before I break down and have my way with you right here.”

She took in a sharp breath and stared, open mouthed, while he walked into the men’s locker room. She felt it down in her core when he said that. She took in a deep breath and went to take a cold shower before leaving. When she finally came out of the locker room Riley was leaning against the wall waiting. He smiled when he saw her. He gave her a quick kiss before heading out. They were headed back to the dorms.

“Don’t you need to return the keys?”

“I did while you were getting dressed. I was relieved when I got back before you were done. I will never understand what takes women so long to get ready.” he laughed. 

Melody tried to fight the blush. It was his fault she needed the cold shower she thought to herself. After a small makeout session in the hall, Melody walked back into her room. Zoe looked up at her and smiled. 

“Don’t you dare smile at me like that!”

Zoe pouted.

“How could you not tell me?!”

“He told me not to tell you...and I knew you would love it! I didn’t want to ruin the surprise...that boy has got some serious game and he is smitten with you.”

Melody laughed and sat down next to her friend. She was in too good of a mood to be upset with her. 

“He’s pretty amazing, isn’t he?” she laughed.

"So is he taking you to the party Friday?"

And just like that her mood was ruined. Landon had brought up the party a few days ago and due to some teasing and begging they had agreed to go. But she was sad because they couldn't go together. She tried to act like it didn't bother her.

"You think I'd go to a party with anyone but my best girl? I don’t think so!"

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