Chapter 13

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“What’s the matter sweetheart? You look a little pale. Do you feel ok?” Melody’s mom put a hand on her forehead. 

“I’m fine, maybe a little nervous about tomorrow. I”m going to make sure everything is packed and head to bed. Night Mom, Dad.”

“Don’t worry darling, you will be fine and you will have Zoe and Landon there with you. Good night sweetheart.”

Melody sat down on her bed and stared at the wall. Did she hear him right? Could the greek god that walked about her house half naked for the past week really be the same guy she’s been texting for the past two weeks?!? She pulled out her phone and stared at it. Then she started going through their messages. She couldn’t think straight and didn’t know what to say to him. 

Pls tell me I’m crazy -M

Riley was expecting a text but was still hoping he was wrong. 


Landon looked over at him.

“What’s up? Is it your cyber chick?”

He didn’t respond, he just kept reading the text over and over. 

“Trouble in paradise already?” he laughed.

“Something like that…” 

No Sweets, you’re not crazy. -R

Melody’s heart broke. She hadn’t realized until that moment that she had such strong feelings for him already. But if he was really Landon’s friend then he was off limits and out of her league. She figured now that he knew who she was he wouldn’t want to talk to her anymore anyways. Then something hit her.

How long have you known?! -M

Once I saw you I knew deep down...after spending some time around you and asking Mitchell a little about you...I was pretty sure, but I wasn’t 100% until I saw your face after calling you Sweets and getting your text. -R

ALL WEEK?!?!?! And you didn’t tell me!!! -M

Sry i didn’t know how to bring it up and you were gone all week. -R

Melody was so mad. She took a deep breath and decided to call it a night...this was just too much right now. 

Night Riley -M

Night Sweets -R

Melody tossed and turned all night. When it was time to get up and pack up the car she was still tired. When her mom asked her about it she blamed it on moving nerves. She fell asleep staring out the car window. She was woken up by her best friend banging on her window. Zoe was literally bouncing where she stood and had a smile from ear to ear. Melody groaned, she wished she had her energy. She smiled at her friend and got out. Zoe engulfed her into a hug.

“Oh my god, I’ve missed you soooo much this summer! I can’t believe we are finally moving in together. This is going to be an amazing year!” 

Melody laughed. 

“We got here early and I already unload the truck. Let’s get your stuff inside so we can start decorating. I’m so happy you finally agreed to go here with me!” 

This time Melody’s mom and dad were laughing at Zoe’s excitement. 

“Does she have an off button?”

“Zoe, dear, how many cups of coffee have you had this morning?” 

It took two trips from the car to get everything moved in. Once they were done Melody hugged her parents goodbye and started unpacking. 

“Ok what is up with you? Why aren’t you more excited? And why are you constantly checking your cell?”

Melody didn’t realize she had been looking at her phone so much. She laid back on her freshly made bed and sighed. 

“You remember that guy I told you about? The one I’ve been texting…”

Zoe stopped unpacking and turned to look at Melody.


“You can’t tell anyone, but I met him...”

“You did what!?!?” She cut her off. “Mel that is so dangerous! Why didn’t you tell me before? What if something had happened to you!”

“It wasn’t like that. I actually didn’t know it was him until he left.”

“I don’t understand, left where?”

Melody sighed. “My house. The guy I’ve been texting is Landon’s friend that stayed with us last weekend.”


“Could you be any louder? I don’t think the girls at the end of the hall heard you.”

“So you’re telling me the yummy football player that was sleeping on your couch all week is the guy you met online and have been messaging for the past two weeks!”


“So why does it look like someone killed your cat?”

“Did you miss the part where he is Landon’s friend? And even if he wasn’t, I doubt he wants anything to do with a freshman.”

“How do you know that? Did he say he didn’t want to talk to you anymore?”

Melody looked at her phone again. 

“No, but I haven’t heard from him since last night, when he told me who he was.”

There was a knock on the door. They looked at the clock and it was time for their first orientation meeting. 

“We will talk about this more later. Cheer up we’re finally at college!” 


“For the next five days you are mine! You know the rules; no phones, tablets, social media, tv, you name it. You will stay in your assigned rooms. You will eat, sleep, and breathe football this week!”

Riley leaned back in his seat, holding back a yawn. He didn’t sleep well that night and it was early in the morning. Plus Coach gave the same speech every year, almost word for word. The more he thought about it the more he regretted not texting Melody before turning over his phone. He just didn't know what to say. She had been pissed when they last talked. He wasn't sure if it was because of who he was or that he didn't tell her sooner. All he knew was between football training camp and not talking to Melody it was going to be a long week.

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