Chapter 43

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Melody woke up to someone barging into her room. 

"As sexy as it is to find Willow sleeping with another woman when I walked in this morning...why the hell do you get to ruin my night with a girls night and then bail!?!"

"Landon get out!"

Melody felt Riley’s squeeze her tighter. As soon as Landon was gone she rolled over and looked at Riley. 

"Good Morning My Sweets."

"Good talk. As much as I love you being here, explain."

"Uhhh...can you wait until after coffee?"

"Seriously Riley! Why did you drive across the country without saying anything?"

He sighed and looked at her.

"I'm moving back in."


Melody bounced up onto her knees and looked down at a smiling Riley. There was a knock on the door.

"You guys good in there?" Zoe asked.


Melody turned her attention back to Riley. 

"Now explain!"

"Ok I didn't want to say anything in case it didn't work out but a professor introduced me to a friend of his at the banquet. He had seen my work from class and my senior project. He offered me a job. I went back home and put my two week notice in. I start Monday."

Melody was speechless. 

"I know Willow has taken my room but I was hoping to stay with you until I get a place. And I drove across country because I needed my car here and not back home. Living on campus I didn't need it but working I'll need it."

Melody flung herself at him and kissed him.

"Of course you can stay here!"

She kissed him passionately and never wanted to stop. This was the greatest. He was back and he wouldn’t be leaving at least not any time soon. There was another knock on the door.

"If you want any fresh donuts before Landon eats them all I'd get out here."

They rolled their eyes and laughed. Riley gave her a peck on the forehead before getting up. Melody sat there with a pout.

"Don't look at me that way. I'm starving and like hell if I'm letting your brother finish off the donuts."

Melody got up. She saw him smirk as he looked her over.

"Hmm...have I ever mentioned how sexy you are in my jersey. Seems a bit worn since the last time I saw it."

Melody blushed. He kissed her pinking cheeks, grabbed her hand, and walked out of the bedroom. 

Melody sat on a bar stool and ate breakfast as Riley explained to everyone what he was doing there. 

"Wait! Nyx is here?!?!"

Everyone jumped at Landon’s outburst. Melody looked at her brother and  Riley confused. 

"Who is Nyx?"

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