Chapter 39

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Melody checked herself in the mirror they had just gotten back from the last football game of the season and Riley’s last game ever. She was going to take him out to celebrate the win and just have some alone time. He had been so busy lately with practice and school work and they had finals starting Monday. Then he would be leaving for Oregon for winter break. She already missed him. She looked at herself, she was wearing his jersey and some skinny jeans. She knew he liked when she wore his jersey. Sometimes she wondered what he saw in her but she pushed her insecurities away and smiled. 

The waiter sat them down at a table in the corner. 

"It's a day early for lasagna Sweets."

"I know but this is where we had our first date and I like it." 

She blushed and she was happy to feel a kiss on her cheeks.

"I love that I can still make your cheeks turn pink."

After they ordered their food Melody looked up at Riley. He seemed deep in thought. She expected him to be more relaxed and pumped after the win. 

"What's on your mind?" Melody asked.

She stared at him and noticed his nervous tell...what had him so nervous?

"Mel there's something I need to tell you…"

Melody paled and her heartbeat started to speed up. Just from the way he said it she knew this couldn't be good.

"I should have told you this sooner, but I didn't know advisor asked me to come in a couple weeks back."

Melody sat in silence, listening. She had no idea where this was going.

"He told me that because I took so many summer courses that after this semester I will have all my credits...I will graduate after this semester not in the spring."

Melody was so confused and her mind was racing with what this meant. 

"With football over and means I may not come back after winter break…"

Their food was placed on the table. Melody’s stomach turned, she no longer had an appetite. 


Melody's last week with Riley was a blur. She hadn't gotten much sleep between the studying and the crying. She put on a happy brave face when he was around but the moment he would leave her side the thought of him not returning had her eyes watering. She didn't know how she made it through her finals. It was like she went on autopilot during her classes. But Saturday inevitably came...she stood at the gate waiting for his plane to be called. Her arms wrapped around him, refusing to let go for even a second. 

"I'll be back. I just won't be back for the whole semester...and you'll be visiting me on summer break before you know it. I know it sucks but it was going to happen eventually…"

"Yeah but I thought I had another six months or so…"

He rubbed her back and held her. She hated the fact he was leaving when things were finally getting back to normal. 


Melody squeezed him tighter. This was goodbye. He pushed her chin up to look at him. He smiled down at her but she could see the pain in his eyes. He didn't want to say goodbye either.

"Melody Nicole Mitchell, I love you! I will be back soon...remember like old times I'm only a text away."

He kissed her a sweet, deep, passionate kiss.

"I love you too! I guess you better go...I'll miss you! 

"See ya later My Sweets!"

He kissed her one last time before boarding the plane. Melody stood there staring at the plane through the giant window and prayed he'd have a safe flight home.

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