Chapter 38

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Riley sat on the couch waiting for the girls to finish getting ready. They were going to a party, probably the last one before winter break. He couldn't believe the semester was almost over. Or worse that his last game was next weekend. Between practices and his senior model project he hadn't spent a lot of free time with Melody and his friends. And there was something he had to tell Melody and he had no idea how. He smiled when he heard the bedroom door open and they walked out. Melody was wearing a green long sleeve dress with leggings. It made her red hair look amazing. He was glad she dressed warmly. Because even though the party was only a couple blocks away, it was still early December and cold. 

"If you're done staring, we are ready to go."

He gave her a smirk before they walked out. When they got to the party it was already in full swing. Riley watched the girls head to the dance floor while he went to get drinks. He grabbed himself a water. He hadn't been drinking after everything. He was making drinks for Melody and Zoe when someone walked up to the table. He was a little surprised when he saw it was Patrick. He hadn't seen him since he hit him.



"I want to say sorry for hitting you."

"It's no problem man. I've talked to Mel about it and she told me about the misunderstanding. I'm sorry I didn’t speak up. Mel is a great girl but I've never thought of her like that. Plus I knew she was taken...I'm not that kind of guy."

Riley nodded.

"So I hear you've been talking to Zoe."

"Yeah she's great. I'm not as outgoing as she is but that's what I like about her."

"I don't think anyone is. But she's like a sister to me that won't be the last black-eye i give you if you ever hurt her."

Patrick laughed.

"I understand."

Riley handed Patrick Zoe’s drink and together they headed towards the girls on the dance floor. Riley saw the shock in Melody’s eyes when she saw them together but she didn't say anything. After a bit of dancing and Melody wiggling her hips and rubbing up on him he spun her around to face him. He leaned down and kissed her. The kiss grew heated and for a moment he forgot they were standing in a room full of people. He pulled away from her lips and tried to catch his breath as he rested his forehead on hers. 

"I knew you would be trouble."

He watched as she smiled.

Once they were home later that night Riley helped Melody to her bed. He took her boots off and covered her up. He leaned down to kiss her goodnight and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He untangled them and stood up.

"Stay with me tonight please." She whined. 

He looked down at her and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I'd love to Sweets but you are far too tempting tonight and you've been drinking. So you go to sleep. I'm going to sleep in my bed tonight."

He gently kissed her one more time on the forehead. When he looked back down at her she was already half asleep. He shut off the light, closed the door, and went to his room. He changed and laid down. What he didn't tell her was that he was the one sexually frustrated after all their dancing and making out at the party. He didn't trust himself in a bed with her. But he was also proud of himself for having the strength to say no. No one had ever tempted him like his sweets did.


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