Chapter 29

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It was a slow day at work for once. Melody had mixed feelings about that. She was relieved to be able to take a bit of a break from the rush of customers that plagued the store this time of year, getting ready for the fall semester. But less work meant more time to think. Think about Riley and how distant he had grown lately. He never seemed around anymore, always busy, and she was spending more nights alone in her bed. He would be leaving tomorrow morning for training camp and she dreaded it. 

“Earth to Melody!” 

She looked up suddenly, she hadn’t realized she was zoning out. She looked up to see Patrick staring at her with a smirk. 


“I’ve asked you twice for those books to put back.”

She watched as he walked closer and leaned past her to grab the books himself. His closeness confused her and she shook her head. She didn’t say a word as he disappeared down an aisle of books. He came back and to her surprise leaned against the counter. 

“What’s up?”

“Umm...what do you mean?”

“I may not know you very well but I know you have a while. Now you’re daydreaming and not listening to me when I ask for something. So what is it? Classes haven't started yet so it can’t be school work. Family problems? Girl drama? Guy trouble?”

Melody was speechless. She had never heard so many words come out of his mouth. He smirked at her, waiting.

“I guess the last one...Remember that night you saw me at that house party?”

She noticed his smile grow and a look in his eyes. 

“Yeah I remember…”

“Well it…”

She was cut off by someone walking in the door. They looked up to say hello. She was excited to see Riley and Zoe coming in. She walked over and greeted them. Giving Riley a hug and kiss. She checked the time and was happy to see it was almost closing time. She turned back around and found Patrick’s eyes on them. 

“Mind if I leave a little early?”

“Yeah, I’ll close up. See ya.”

Melody gave him a big smile and grabbed her stuff from the back. She came back and grabbed Riley's hand as they walked towards the door. When she turned to wave goodbye she found Patrick was still staring at them.


Melody changed and climbed into bed. They had just gotten back from dinner and she had her fill of Italian food. She heard the shower shut off and she waited...hoping Riley would come sleep with her his last night at home. She listened as he walked down the hall to his room and her heart sank. She was almost in tears when she heard a soft knock and her door opening. Seeing him standing there almost as if unsure was like a breath of air she didn't realize she was holding in. She smiled at him as he walked closer. He climbed into bed and she cuddled closer. She rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm going to miss you."

"It's only for five days. But I know what you mean."

"At least when I was back home I could text and call you." 

He hugged her tight and kissed her on the head. 

"Go to sleep My Sweets."

"I don't want to because you will be gone when I wake up."

"I know...but we are both tired and I have to be up early."

"Goodnight, I love you!"

"I love you to My Sweets!"

She kissed him and closed her eyes.

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