Chapter 36

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Melody got out of bed and put a pair of shorts on. It was early but she couldn’t lay there awake any longer. She walked into the kitchen relieved no one else was awake. She made a cup of coffee and grabbed a blanket off the couch before going outside. She wrapped the blanket around her, mornings were starting to get cold. She ran through the events of the past couple days. She nearly spilt her coffee when she was snapped out of her thoughts. 

"Finn! Leave Mel alone and go inside."

Finn finished hugging Melody and did what his mom said. Once Melody calmed her heartbeat she smiled at Mrs. James. She must have known something was wrong because she sat down next to Melody.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, I'm glad I caught you are you doing sweetheart?"

Melody looked up at her face and couldn't hold back the tears. Mrs. James wrapped her in a hug. 

"I don't know what to do...I’m losing him…"

"Oh sweetheart, you're not losing him. Riley loves you. After everything you two have been through you are just going through a rough patch."

Melody looked up surprised.

"You know?"

"He called me. I wish I could have been here for the both of you. And I'm sure there were confusing emotions when you got the test results, for both of you."

"He acts like everything is ok but he's distant at the same time. I just...I miss him."

"After Abigail...he was a mess. It took a long time before I saw the real him again. When I first saw the two of you together last year I had concerns. When Riley called me a while back and told was like four years ago all over again. Then he told me it was a false alarm...I can't imagine what you two were going through."

"I thought we were ok...but last night…"

"I'm sure whatever happened you two will work it out. Come on it's cold out here and I should make sure someone is actually watching Finn."

They hugged before heading into the house. Finn was on the couch with Zoe watching cartoons. The other two bedroom doors were still closed. They headed into the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone. Shortly before setting the table Landon came out of Zoe's room. 

"Uh...did you make enough for one more?"


Melody looked at him confused then saw someone else step out of Zoe's room.

"Dude! You better not have…" Zoe looked at Finn then back. "Done anything in my bed!" 

Melody watched as Willow shyly walked over and sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Don't worry Zoe I behaved myself." 

Landon laughed and Melody rolled her eyes. She gave Willow a look that said they would talk about this later. She looked at the one closed door, willing it to open. 


Riley woke up to someone banging on his door. It was like a hit to the head with every knock. He sighed and checked the time...four hours of sleep. He got up and opened the door. Landon stood in the doorway giving him an odd look. 

"Hey your mom and brother are here and breakfast is ready…"

He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. He had forgotten they were coming over before they had to fly out. He walked out and hugged his mom but couldn't bring himself to smile before sitting down. He was confused when he saw Melody’s coworker still there but figured she must have stayed with Melody last night. Then he laid his eyes on Melody. He could tell she had been crying and hoped she hadn't been crying all night. He looked at the food on the table and his stomach growled. He realized it had been almost 24 hours since he ate last. He listened to the conversations without any input. He spent the meal quiet, sneaking glances at Melody. 

After his family left Riley knew it was time to talk to Melody. 

Can we talk -R

Sure. Where are you? -M

Out back -R

He laid his phone down and put his head in his hands, rubbing the back of his neck. He heard the door slide open but he didn't look up until he felt her presence just in front of him. 

"Mel...I'm sorry…" 

"I still can't believe you hit him."

"I promise it will never happen again...I just can't stand the thought of someone touching you. And with you avoiding me I guess a part of me was afraid you would let him."

Melody sat down next to him and made him look at her.

"Just because we are having issues doesn't mean I want anyone else. I love you. After you hit Patrick him and I had a talk."

Melody saw anger flash across Riley's face but he didn't say anything.

"It was a big misunderstanding...he was trying to get to Zoe to ask HER to dance."

Riley thought about it...remembering all the times he had caught Patrick looking at her. It was possible. 

"But this isn't about Patrick. Somethings been off for awhile to me Riley please!"

He could see she was almost in tears again. He cupped her cheek with his hand. But he didn't know how to express his feelings. 

"I feel like I'm losing you are pulling away from me. You never touch me anymore…"

"Mel...I...I'm scared…"

"Scared? Scared of what?"

"Honestly. I'm scared to touch you. I obviously don't have any self control around you. And I can't take that chance with you again…"

He felt her sigh.

"So you don't want me anymore."

He looked up at her shocked. She looked empty. 

"That's the furthest thing from the truth. My Sweets thats the problem! I want you too much."

He stood up in frustration. This wasn't going well. After a moment he felt her hands on his back as they wrapped around his waist. He sighed when she laid her head against his back. 

"Riley...I love you. Trust me I know how you feel about what happened. I feel the same way."

Riley turned around to look at her while she was speaking, her arms still around him. 

"But you need to have more faith in yourself...and in me. You were my first…" he watched a blush cross her cheeks. "It was amazing...but we don't have to again. We can wait as long as you want. I just can't lose you."

A tear ran down her face. It broke his heart. He didn't deserve her. She continued rambling.

"We can plan things with friends so less alone time. We can sleep in our own rooms so there's no temptation. Whatever it takes…"

He stopped her with a kiss. It was deep and passionate, the first time in a while. 

"Do you have your phone on you?"

"No why…"

Before she could finish the two of them were sinking to the bottom of the deep end of the pool. 

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