Chapter 44

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Riley stood on the front lawn with his arms wrapped around Melody, watching Landon drool over his black 1968 Dodge Charger.

"Please Paxton let me drive it!!!"

He laughed and tossed him the keys.

"One scratch and you're dead."

Riley and Melody walked back inside after Landon drove off.

"I didn't know you named your car."

"Nyx is only second in my heart to you My Sweets."

He watched her roll her eyes.

"Boys and their toys."

"You know you love her too. I remember your blissful face on our ride to the coast."

Riley picked Melody up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked back into her room and shut the door. She was smiling at him. He looked at her lips, he needed to taste those lips again. He had gone too long without her. He kissed her as he laid her down on the bed. He talked as he kissed her across her face and down her neck.

"Now that we've slept...*kiss*...ate...*kiss*....and explained my being here...*kiss*...I plan to spend the entire day alone with you."

He smiled down at a flushed Melody.


"Don't worry I don't plan on breaking any rules...but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves. Plus I don't want to share you at the moment."


Melody was on cloud nine. It had been over a week since Riley had moved back in and things couldn't be better. Her classes were going great. Work was even better now that she knew Willow and Patrick better. She was no longer the 5th wheel when everyone hung out. And instead of spending hours on her phone texting she was spending hours wrapped up in her boyfriend's arms. Melody completely believed that absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. Ever since Riley came back he was different, or more the old Riley. She didn't feel like he was holding back or scared like before he left.

"What are you thinking about?"

Riley stood in the bedroom doorway. She hadn't heard him get home.

"You really want to know?"

She watched as he walked closer.

"Yes I really want to know."

He smiled at her and she felt that warm feeling inside she only got from him.

"I was thinking about how happy I am. How great things have been with you back. Can I ask you something?"

He laid down next to her and ran his fingers through her hair.


"I was just thinking about how...relaxed you seem to be since you moved back. I was just curious why?"

They were silent for a moment. If he didn't want to answer she wasn't going to push it. In honesty it didn't matter.

"I guess because I'm not so scared anymore. I knew I loved you before I ever left but being apart from you made me realize some things. Like how I hated being apart and if and when I could bring us back together I would. I don't think I could leave you like that again."

He was silent again for a moment but Melody could tell he wasn't done.

"I did a lot of thinking while I was gone. I thought about you and me and what I wanted for our future. That's one reason I created this."

He played with the charms around her wrist.

"I don't want to scare you with talk of the future so tell me to shut up if you want to."

Melody laughed.

"I've thought about it too. What do you see for our future?"

"Sweets, I want to make you mine in every way possible. I want to marry you someday and as crazy as it sounds I want to have kids with you. But I also want you to graduate and have the career you want. I don't want to rush into our future and have you regret it."

"I'd never regret a future as long as you're in it with me. I should tell you I've talked to my advisor about taking summer courses and doubling up on classes so I can graduate sooner."

Melody was surprised to see the shocked and possibly disappointed look on his face.


"Because I couldn't imagine two and a half years apart from you. If I do it I'll graduate a year early. I don't want to drop out but I also don't want to wait to start our future."

Melody rolled over and laid on top of Riley, looking down at him.

"Sweets, you don't have to do that. I'm right here."

Melody laid her head down on his chest.

"I know."

She held back tears. She loved this man so much she wanted forever to start now.

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