Chapter 14

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For five days now there was nothing but silence between Melody and Riley. With some help from Zoe, Melody was over all of it, and ready to go out and have some fun. They had been
Invited to their first college party. Melody had spent the week going to meetings, campus tours, and “bonding” events with all the other freshmen. She was enjoying herself and starting to feel like she made the right decision in going there. Saturday was the first day they had free on campus. They ate breakfast at the mess hall and did some shopping. They got ready for the party in their dorm trying on different clothes to wear. Zoe had on a white lace summer dress and was all dolled up. Melody had on a cute top, some jean shorts, and a pair of boots. She put on a little make-up. Unlike Zoe, Melody never really cared to dress up or wear a lot of make-up. They finished getting ready and headed out. 


“What the hell are they doing here?”

Riley looked up at Landon’s outburst. Melody and another girl had just walked into the party. He had spent the week convincing himself that Melody was off limits. No girl was worth breaking his word to one of his teammates, roommate, and good friend. A week with his boys helped him come to realize this. But when he saw her he couldn’t help but stare. She looked amazing and all eyes were on her and her friend.

“I think Brett invited them, a couple of new freshman.”

Landon stormed off towards them, Riley stayed where he was.

“That’s his little sister.”

“Damn, pity.”

Riley didn’t want to hear their thoughts on Landon’s sister. He walked off to the kitchen to get another drink. 


Melody spotted her brother coming towards her almost as soon as she walked in. She sighed and smiled at him. 

“Hey Landon, how was training camp?”

“Mel, what are you doing here?!”

“We were invited.”

She could almost hear the growl come from her brother. She knew he was not happy with her there. 

“Fine, but please stay close to me, no drinking and no wandering off with anyone.”

She rolled her eyes and gave an “I told you so” look to Zoe. 

“We don’t need a babysitter, but if it makes you feel better I promise no drinking and I’ll let you know when we are leaving.”

She watched him shake his head but walk back to his football buddies. She smiled at Zoe and started walking around. The living room was a makeshift dance floor. Zoe pulled her out on the dance floor and Melody started to let loose. She knew her brother was going to be a problem but surprised how easily he backed off. At some point she looked over towards her brother. He and his group of friends were surrounded by girls, all of which were showing more skin then not. Part of her wondered if Riley was behind the wall of girls. Zoe pulled her arm, bringing her attention back to her. But she didn’t really feel like dancing all of a sudden. She motioned to Zoe telling her she was going to go grab a drink. Melody made her way into the kitchen. She was relieved to see cans of pop and not just alcohol. Only 18 years old, she hadn’t done any drinking and she wasn’t about to start.

“Well aren’t you a sexy thing?”

Melody felt someone brush up next to her. She looked at a good looking guy who was clearly drunk. She didn’t even reply, she just started to walk away. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him. She stumbled a bit before pulling away from him. 

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