Chapter 21

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"I really need to talk to someone. Can I please come in?" Adam said, sounding awfully desperate. Damn, I really took that first sentence the wrong way...

"Sure", I let him in and closed the door behind him. He silently took of his shoes and jacket before following me into the living room and sitting down. Ashley gave me a nod and went upstairs, probably to give us some privacy.

"What's up?" I asked him while he just continued to look at his feet.

"It's...", he started but stopped himself, running a frustrated hand through his hair. I just stayed quiet as he seemed to have a hard time with whatever was bugging him.

He let out a big sigh before looking up at me.

"What if there something you want, something you really dream off but..." he stopped again.


"But you know it's wrong", he looked at me with pleading eyes. Well, how do you answer that?

"What makes it wrong?" I asked, the both of us shortly looked outside when we heard the first thunder hit. I looked back at him and he nervously bit his lip before speaking "There is something standing in the way of what you want"

"In my opinion it's never wrong to go after your dreams, Adam", I told him sincerely. Dreams are everything. What's the point of life if you have nothing to life forward to or life for?

"Really?" he looked at me with big eyes and I nodded.

"And if you think it's that wrong, then you make it right", I said and I visibly saw him grow calmer as his shoulders slightly untensed. He nodded and I smiled, happy I could help him.

"I should probably go home", he suddenly stood up and started going in the direction of the hallway.

"Are you crazy, you're so not going anywhere in this weather", I told him, standing up as well.

"I'll be okay", he smiled slightly but I stopped him again. "I don't care, you're staying until the storm's over"

"You can stay on the couch if you like. Ashley and I were going to bed anyway", I added.

"I really don't want to be a bother", he said, nervously playing with his fingers.

"You're not, Adam. I'd feel a lot better I you'd stay", I smiled at him and he nodded before returning me the smile. He really feels like an emotional storm and I'm not used to him like that. There must be really something on his mind.

"Here", I threw him a blanket and he took it, muttering a thanks.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be upstairs if you need me", I said and turned around to go upstairs.

"Hey Ella", he stopped me and I turned my head back in his direction.

"Thanks", he spoke softly and again I felt this rage of emotions from him. Weird..

"You're welcome, goodnight"

"Goodnight", he said and I turned back to go upstairs.

When I arrived in my room, Ashley was already fast asleep on my bed. Make yourself at home I guess.

I just pulled of my pants and plopped down next to her, drifting to sleep not long after.

The next morning, I woke up due to Ashley's phone going of. I started pushing her until she finally woke up too and picked up the phone, ending that annoying ass sound.

"Hey dad", she sleepily answered as she proceeded to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Okay, text me when you're here", she spoke before hanging up the phone.

"He's picking me up in ten", she said and put her arms forward, stretching them. I guess I have to get out of bed too then ...

We both walked down and my eyes darted to the neatly folded blanket on the couch.

"Adam?", I yelled and went to look for him in the kitchen, where he wasn't either. Where did this kid go?

I took my phone to call him but his text instantly made me relax.

-Thanks for yesterday sugar, I really needed that – Adam

He's fine, good...

"You want some breakfast?" I asked Ashley and walked into the kitchen, her following my actions.

"Nah, I'll just grab something at home" I nodded and proceeded to put some cereal in a bowl for myself. After pouring the milk I grabbed the bowl and sat down at the table, eating my breakfast. Not my favorite but I'm too lazy to make something else so it'll have to do.

"Are you going to the new year's party?" she asked and sat down opposite of me.

"Not sure yet, you?"

"I think so", she responded. Shortly after she received a text from her dad and got up from the table.

"So maybe I'll see you tonight?" she put on her shoes and jacket and as I followed her to the hallway, shortly leaving my breakfast. I gave her a short 'uhu' and opened the door, the cold air giving me chills. Shit it's cold today...

"Thanks for yesterday", she smiled at me and I felt myself actually growing to like her. Some people are truly made out of layers...

"You're welcome", I returned her smile and she stepped outside.

"Bye", she waved one last time and skipped to her father's car, getting in.

I waited for the car to drive out the driveway and closed the door behind me.

I'm already dreading tonight. One, for the party where I'm not in the mood for and two, for the family dinner at Michell's place. Why? Every time I visit Michelle I get this longing and I always leave wishing I had a family like that. Parents that are still happily together, a loving yet annoying sibling and a house that's filled with all the memories of their happy past. Let's not forget the stupid dog. I really hate the dog...

It's not that I'm not grateful for my life because I am, I just really hope that one day I'd find someone I could have a family with and life happily ever after. A girl can dream, right?

A few more hours of me slowly getting ready and doing unproductive stuff passed and soon it was time for me to leave for the dinner with my aunt and uncle. I grabbed all my stuff and put on my coat. Grabbing my phone, I noticed a message on my phone suspecting it be the idiot but I couldn't have been more wrong.

-Hey darling, happy new year! I really wish you'd talk to me – dad

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