Chapter 40

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"Honestly, that woman is going to be the death of me one day", Adam groaned at him, James and I stepped out of our classroom of the last class of the day. He was right though. I had totally lost count of the amount of times I almost dozed off.

"I never would have thought history could get any more boring until her", I agreed with him as the hallway slowly started to fill with people before they went home.

"Yeah, maybe if she was a hot thirty year old or something I would actually pay attention", I rolled my eyes as I already felt were James was going "A blonde maybe with some nice big t-"

"Alright boys, that's were I stop that conversation", I quickly interrupted him but they just gave each other a silly smirk. Boys will be boys, what can you do...

"You guys have training in a bit?" I asked just as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I was waiting for his text anyway.

"Speaking about that, we've gotta run", James spoke and Adam gave me a quick wave, shortly after following James "See you later Ella"

"Bye", I waved back as the two disappeared in the crowd of students. Taking out my phone, a smile came to my face as I read the message.

-You wanna come to my place? Don't you dare say no, I haven't even gotten a kiss today :( – Daniel

Is it weird to find him adorable when he's known as on of the bad guys of the school?

Like I care about that...

"I'm still waiting for a reply Clark"

"Oh yeah, right", I started typing the first letters before quickly snapping my eyes up, meeting Daniels amused gaze. He wasn't wearing his leather jacket today and even though I completely loved it on him, his muscles in this shirt were just to drool for.

"I wasn't ignoring you", I explained as I caught myself staring. Quickly locking my phone, I pushed it in my jeans before looking at him as he cocked a brow. I was just thinking about him, but he didn't need to know that.

"Nope but you took too long though", suddenly his lips were on mine and my eyes went wide. Is he crazy? In the middle of the fucking hallway? How is he going to start explaining this now?

You'd think the whistles coming from the hallways would be enough to pull him pack but it didn't. If anything it made him pull me closer.

"Clark, kiss me back", his face was still only a breath away from mine as he longingly looked into my eyes, me still looking at him with a shocked expression "You do realise most people here just saw us, right?"

"What's wrong with that?" What does he mean 'what's wrong with that'? Nothing's wrong with that but how am I supposed to explain this little event when this fucktard can't even explain to me what he wants.

"You know what, whatever, just", I held my hand up as he slowly leaned in again "No, no more kisses until we're off school property"

"What are we waiting for then?" he raised a brow and a laugh escaped from me. Impatient much...

"Again, too slow", before I could even register fully what he had said, I was suddenly flung over his shoulder as he made his way through the hallway. Is he out of his goddamn mind?

"Daniel, for fucks sake", I struggled which only seemed to tighten his grip "Are you fucking crazy? Everybody's looking"

And they were, some were even holding up their phones, but no, he just continued on walking. God, I can't even image what this looks like...


"Let them look", he answered me and I rolled my eyes, even though I knew he couldn't see it. We finally made it out of the school doors and he softly put me down, his arms not leaving my waist.

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