Chapter 42

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"We fucking nailed that shit", Alex said as the bell went. We just did our presentation and well, he was right. We did great.

"And you know what, I actually liked the video at the end", Ethan admitted, making my chuckle.

"Well thank you", Alex patted his shoulder as the three of us walked out of the classroom.

"I actually think we made a pretty good team", I smiled at them "Apart from the idiotic discussion about the intro then"

Chuckling, Ethan nodded his head and Alex just threw out a quick "yeah"

"Anyway I have to go you guys, I'm studying with Oliver in the library", I told them.

"Okay, see you later", Alex and Ethan both waved me off before they stepped away.

Walking over to my locker, I quickly took out my chemistry book before closing it again. I calmly made my way over the library and sat myself down at one of the tables, placing my stuff in front of me.

He's late...

I felt my phone go off and already rolled my eyes. If he's canceling imma wack him at the back of the head, I really need these points. Grabbing my phone, the glare quickly slipped from my face as I read the message.

-You enjoying your time with your friends? – unknown

I guess they were done being quiet. Oh well, like I said before, what can they do?

-Very much, you having fun watching?–

-You've got no idea but now, are you finally ready to listen to me? – unknown

The uneasiness started slowly settling in again but I wasn't going to listen to them, I won't.

-I already told you, just go ahead and spread some rumours–

-Are you sure? Because I've been busy and knowing you, I'll know you'll listen – unknown

Knowing me? That's creeping me out, maybe I should have approached this with a little more caution.

-What do you mean?–

-Well, we both know about Sophia's little family situation but does the rest of the school know? That her dad is fucking around town? Might even destroy more than one family – unknown

Shit... Literally no one knows about that but me and very few of our friends. I can't let that get out, she would hate that. And like the text said, this won't just ruin her family. The rumour about me hadn't even fully quiet down and I'm pretty sure that this will be a lot bigger than mine...

-You wouldn't...–

-You know I would – unknown

What the fuck do I do now? And who the hell is this person?

-Fine, what do you want?–

-Let's test that loyalty quickly first, shall we? – unknown

Shit, shit, shit

I don't like this, I really don't like this

-You've got two minutes to find Matthew and give your good friend a kiss– unknown


My eyes quickly darted around and I almost sprinted out of the library, leaving all my stuff right there. Did I want to do this? No, but I had to. For Sophia

I turned the corner of the hallway and found him talking with Jason. FUUUUCCKKK

I ran over and pressed my lips to his cheeks in a rush, surprising them both. There, I did it. If they wanted more, then they should have been more specific.

"Uhm, I think you've got the wrong person Ella", Matthew spoke and suddenly the realisation dropped. Yeah, not a great move to kiss the best friend of the person you like. Great, now how do I fix this?

"It was just a dare Matthew, don't go thinking I've got a crush on you now huh" good, that came out way more convincing than I thought it would.

"What's up with you playing truth or dare with literally everyone?" Jason chuckled and I slowly relaxed as they didn't push the matter too much "What can I say, I like the adrenaline"

"Although I enjoyed the sudden affection, let's not tell Daniel. We all now he's not one for sharing", Matthew spoke with amusement in his tone but nothing about this situation was amusing to me. This person had yet again found another way to get me to do whatever they want.

"Thanks, see you guys later", I said before quickly walking back to the library. Why would someone want to do this to me? If they know about all these secrets it has to be someone close but I trust all of these people with anything.

"You're late", I commented when I walked up the my previous spot in the library and sat down on the chair, letting out a big breath. No response came and my eyes widened when I saw Oliver with my phone in his hand.

Not again, why do I always leave my phone unlocked???

"I saw your stuff and your phone went off. I only glanced over shortly but then I read the message but who the hell is this Ella?" Oliver looked at me with an expression that I couldn't quite decipher.

Taking my phone back, I turned my focus to him.

"You remember the rumour about me?" I started and he gave me a nod.

"A little while ago I got texts telling me to leave Daniel and that I would regret it if I wouldn't. They had stopped but seems they found new leverage", I frustratedly sighed out.

"You can't tell anyone", I added and his face instantly turned into a frown "Why not?"

"Because they told me to and I don't want this for Sophia, she already has it bad enough", I quickly explained and he looked down. Yeah, exactly. Another highly conflicting situation.

"So what, you're just gonna do whatever this person tells you to?"

"I don't know", I let out and leaned back in the chair. Remember when I had wished for a calm last year of high school? That was a joke...

I heard him sigh before the chair next to mine was moved "Just let me help okay, I'll be your partner"

I looked up and he was already throwing me a small smile "We'll find out who this is"

"Thanks Oliver", I smiled back at him as he softly ruffled my hair "You're very welcome partner"

My phone that lit up again made us both look away and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to open it. We both leaned forward and I hesitantly unlocked my phone.

-So Oliver knows huh... – unknown

The fact that they already know that...

-I didn't tell him, he found out. He'll keep quiet, I promise –

-Don't worry, as long as you listen to me from now on... And remember; tell Daniel and there will be bigger consequences – unknown

Okay, I'm officially back to screwed.

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