Chapter 35

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"So how is it with you two?" I confusedly looked up, changing looks between Oliver, Sophia, Sarah and Rachel. I had wondered off again...

"I'm sorry, what?" I gave them an apologetic look as yesterdays text kept spooking around in my mind. I had decided to just ignore them but that didn't mean they didn't still creep me the fuck out.

Sophia let out a chuckle as she slightly leaned more into Oliver's side "He asked how stuff was with Daniel".

My mouth made an 'o' shape and there was only one answer I came up with to that question.


"Wouldn't have expected it any different", Oliver smiled at me and I couldn't help but ask "Can you help me out? Seriously, tell me anything"

He changed looks between us, all three attentively waiting for an answer and he shook his head "Fine"

"I can tell you he has a hard time trusting people, letting them in", he started but I already knew that, didn't I..

"But he is really trying with you in his own, weird way", he added and I felt myself slightly relax.

"So this isn't just a game for him anymore?" I asked and he instantly shook his head "It hasn't been a game for him for a while, he told me that himself".

And that answer made me all warm inside again, my cheeks slightly blushing.

"Do you like him?" Sophia's question made my eyes slightly widen. I hadn't even really thought about that.

"I'm not sure", I mumbled quietly, not sure what and how I feel just yet. I mean, I didn't even have the slightest idea it was him until a few days ago.

"Speak of the devil", Oliver chuckled, pointing to the other direction of the cafeteria and I instantly spotted him. I heard someone respond but my focus was already solely focused on Daniel as he strode by, completely taking away my breath. His hand rested casually in his pockets and his charming brown eyes were directed forward as the usual glare rested on his face. I wanted nothing more than to run over and watch his eyes relax as his pretty lips turned into a smile.

God, maybe I do like him...

"You're not sure, huh?" Rachel gave me a knowing smile and I hopelessly failed throwing her a glare. She was right anyway...

"So did he already ask you?" Oliver asked me.

"Ask me what?"

"Camping this weekend?", he spoke, shortly throwing a glance to the other girls "The whole group is going but I told him he should ask you"

Well, he didn't... Maybe he just didn't want me to go with him. I mean I understand he just wants to go with his friends but then I can't help but wonder what I am?

A friend? Not a friend? Something more? Sure, he called me his girlfriend but that was a joke anyway, right?

"No, but I mean I can just stay ho-"

"Oh no, you are coming whether he asks you or not", Sarah pointed a finger at me and I nodded "Okay"

Even if I don't get to go with Daniel, I still get to go with my friends. But Daniel is technically a part of that group, isn't he?

And shit's getting confusing... Again..

The bell ending our hour recess drew my attention again and I quickly waved off my friends, getting to my next class.

I stepped in my chemistry class and sighed. I suck at chemistry and the only person I really know in this class is Jason.

He comes every once in a while but I guess today was a didn't since I didn't see him at his usual spot at the window. I dragged myself to the desk, sitting down.

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