Chapter 47

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Yes, it had happened. It wasn't at all how I expected it to be, not how it was the first time. Daniel was gentle, absolutely loving and there wasn't a second my eyes drifted off of his. I had felt safe in his arms, treasured as he held me tightly in his embrace. He had made me feel special in a way no one had ever before which made the stone in my stomach even heavier.

For how much longer was I going to be able to feel like this...

Even after our talk, it didn't change anything about the situation.

-Don't worry, we'll fix this- Oliver

I looked at my phone again and sighed. At this point, I'm not so sure...

-How though? We literally have nothing-

-We'll make a plan to catch the insider and we'll find a way to find proof on Nathan- Oliver

He makes it sound so easy. It would do the trick indeed but if you think about the fact that it took me months to find out my 'stalker' was Daniel, it only makes me wonder how long this is going to take...

-That's not going to be exactly easy...-

-We've got this! We'll work something out tomorrow, trust me- Oliver

I'm just happy I've got him helping me on this, I don't know what else I would have done.

-Thanks Oliver, don't know what I would have done without you-

-I've got you partner! - Oliver

And I'm incredibly grateful for that...

The sound of the doorbell made me slowly stand up from the couch and I opened the door to Michelle.

"Why the hell would you call me over so late on a Sunday?" she questioned but the glare quickly left her face as she noticed my expression "Is everything alright?"

"No" and that was all it took for me to start bawling my eyes out. Normally I wasn't the person that wanted company when I was really said but I needed support, I needed someone to tell me it will be okay.

"Oh god Ella", Michelle stepped inside, closing the door behind her and threw her arms around me "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head and rested it on her shoulder, my tears already staining her sweater.

"Do I have to hurt anyone though?" that made me sob harder and I shook my head again. I would never want her to get involved with any of this.

"It'll be okay El, you're a strong person", she rubbed my back and I nestled myself deeper in her embrace. I missed this, I really missed her. I have been so busy with all my new friends that I didn't even notice it until now.

I heard her sigh before she gently pulled back "Where is the wine?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as my sobs slowly calmed down "We're gonna drink wine now?"

"Yes so get your cute ass to the kitchen and open us a bottle", she told me sternly as she dragged me to the kitchen and I was happy with my earlier decision to call her. She isn't the person that would let you be sad or cry for long, she would cheer you up.

"Come on El, where's the booze at?" she started opening random cabinets and I shook my head, wiping my cheeks "There's some wine in the storage room, I'll be right back"

She gave me a nod and I walked out to the storage room. I stepped into the narrow space and sighed when I felt my phone go off in my pocket.

A sad smile came to my face as I read the message.

-Everything alright, princess?- Daniel

He's checking up on me...

-Everything's alright, how about u?-

-I can't seem to get my mind off of earlier, have to admit it was unexpected tho- Daniel

It was but I don't regret it for a second... I hate this situation, I really can't explain it any other way.

-Same thoughts here, I'll see you tomorrow okay? Michelle's here-

-Okay, good night Clark- Daniel

I put my phone away and found my cheeks stained with tears again. I really don't want to lose him...

"You finding any?" I hear Michelle yell and quickly wiped away my tears, grabbing a random bottle before walking back to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I've found so-", I raised a brow as I looked at the scene in front of me "What are you doing?"

The kitchen table was filled with all sorts of ingredients and she was already bright and busy, mixing some things in a bowl.

She looked up at me and smiled as she spoke "I'm making cookies, I'm hungry"

"Poor us some wine will yah? Then we can do some baking", she pointed the spatula at me, it dripping some dough on the floor and I couldn't help but smile back. This is going to be a mess, I can already tell. I don't mind as long as it takes my mind of off things though.

"I'll give you wine if you promise you'll help cleaning up after", I pointed the wine the same way she pointed the spatula and she pursed her lips as she nodded "Alright, deal"

So we baked, talked, drank, gossiped, ate some more, listened to music and by now we both sat on the floor in the living room with our second empty bottle of wine. Guess you could say we got a little carried away.

Michelle's laugh sounded loudly through the room as she emptied the last bit off wine from her cup "You remember that?"

"Of course I do", I chuckled "As if I could ever forgot the image of Max in a princess dress"

Just the thought alone made me die of laughter. Every time I would visit Michelle when we were younger, me and her would dress up as princesses and one time we actually convinced her brother to join. It was hilarious...

"I mean, who would believe that if you saw him now", I nodded, trying to picture it but it was just wrong in every way. Ever since he joined the army, he had gotten crazy muscular so I'm pretty sure the dress would rip before he even managed to get it on completely.

"When is he coming home again?" I asked and a smile instantly came to her face "A few weeks, you should visit"

I gave her a nod and her eyes shortly went to her phone.

"Oh god, It's already 3 am", she abruptly stood up and went to put the glasses and the empty bottle in the kitchen. Shit, I didn't even notice that... I'm gonna look like a zombie in school tomorrow, that much is certain.

Walking back out the kitchen, she took my hand and pulled me to my feet "Come one, we're going to bed"

I let her drag me upstairs and my eyes closed the moment my body hit the soft surface of the bed. I heard her chuckled before I heard the sound of the door closing.

The lights switched off and soon after I felt her hug me from behind, pulling the blankets over us. Even though we were the same age, she was always the more mature one. I would get us in trouble and she would have to fix my mess, I absolutely loved her for it.

I felt myself slowly drift of to sleep as a yawn came from me.

"I missed this", I whispered sleepily and her grip slightly tightened around me "So did I, cous"

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