Chapter 41

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I groaned and let my head drop on the table as these two have been at it for like 20 minutes. Ethan, Alex and I had a project that we needed to present in front of the class tomorrow and these two were literally arguing about the intro. The fucking intro...

"Guys, can you just", I already gave up talking as Alexander already spoke over me "What's wrong with showing a video in the beginning? It means we will have to talk less, learn less and it's different from all the normal basic intro's"

For fucks sake...

"We don't even know if it's allowed and do you even know how much time it's gonna take to make a video", Ethan threw back and at this point I was just debating if I'd just continue on my own. We already had most of it sorta done, which already took 6 hours, and I just really wanted to go home.

"Why the hell would we make a video?" Alex asked, his gaze narrowed and I quickly took my phone. I'm done listening to this anyway.

"Where else are we gonna get a video then?" Great, my phone's dead. Just my luck...

"The internet maybe??" Taking a deep breath, I put my phone away and leaned forward on the table.

"That's so cheap, she'll never allo-"

"Alright enough", that got their attention "Can you both just get your head out of your ass"

They looked kind of taken back from my little outburst but I honestly couldn't care less.

"Why don't you just look up a video, tomorrow we'll ask and if it's allowed we'll put it at the end of our presentation", I proposed and they both seemed to be thinking about it as if it was the smartest thing I had ever said. Idiots...

"I can work with that", Ethan agreed and Alex nodding made me lean back in my chair again. Great, now that's settled...

"So I guess we're done then", Ethan said and I could almost make a little victory dance. Finallyy

"You guys want something else to drink?" Alex stood up from his chair and Ethan and I did the same, following him to the kitchen.

"No but can I borrow a charger though?" I asked and Alex motioned to a charger on the counter. Call me a stupid teenager but  hours without a phone feels weird.

"I just hope she won't be to strict with the evaluation", Ethan spoke just as I plugged the phone in. I put it down on the counter and turned around to the guys again, leaning myself back against the counter.

"Yeah, same", I spoke just as Alex grabbed a coke for him and Ethan from the fridge.

"I guess we'll just have to find out", I nodded at Alex and turned around as I heard the sound of my phone go off, multiple times.

"Damn, since when have you gotten so popular?" I just shook my head at Alex and turned around, picking up my phone.

16 missed calls? Why would someone call me 16 times? Unless somethings is wrong... I quickly opened my messages and felt a chill go up my spine as I found multiple messages from Daniel.

-Where are you? I'm at your place – Daniel

This was from 5 hours ago...

-Seriously Clark, where are you? Sophia told me you weren't home when she came back to your place– Daniel

Because I didn't think I'd have to stay here for that long... I had told my mother this morning but didn't think about telling Sophia. Fuck

-Uhm Ella, you should really give Daniel a call. He's almost ready to start hanging up missing posters– Sophia

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