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What the hell are your doing? put me down this instant Alexander, why are you  acting like a caveman?

Stay still Mon Amour and just let me hold you. He inhaled her scent and breath her intoxicating smell, she is the balm to his restless soul.

He carefully place her in the big sofa, show me your feet.

Why would I do that? she curled he feet in the bottom of her bathrobe clumsily.

Alex pull her legs and and place it in his lap.

Cassie yelped, she tightened the belt of her robe which loosely opened to give a clear view of a creamy chest in Alex feasting eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him who blatantly gazing her with desire in those blue orbs.

Eyes here mister, Cassie pointed her face.

Alex shamelessly roving his eyes in the enchanting beauty infront of him. Fresh from her bath and without make up she is more captivating in a natural way. He need to take hold of himself, he doesn't want Cassie to be wary of his caveman attitude.

Cassie shivered in response, she look at Alex with an adoring smile, all the vexation she had felt for him earlier is replaced by warm feeling that spread all over her heart. She cannot help to touch his head whose bent down in concentration.

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