Chapter 12

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Oh my God!!! moaned Cassie, this is so delicious...

I know right? that is why this is my favorite cafe, I come here almost everyday. Luckily were too early, usually, it is always crowded especially it's week end.

A guy in a chef's uniform approached them, hello ladies!!!

Oh hi Sam, this is my bestfriend Cassie, she's visiting right now but hopefully she will stay with me for long. Cassie, this is Sam, he owns this beautiful cafe and a good friend of Ethan.

Hi Sam, said Cassie blushing, the guy just stared at her without blinking. Alice elbowed Sam who is staring at Cassie blatantly.

Oh hi!! forgive my manners, reaching Cassie's hand for a handshake. Sorry, you must think of me as a creep, it is just, I can't help to admire a woman as enchanting as you, your.. your.. so beautiful stuttering Sam.

Alice laughed, bewildered at Sam's reaction, she never saw him looking foolish infront of a woman, this is first and with her bestfriend.

You can't fault him though, Alice know how beautiful truly Cassie is , but even once she never gets jealous of Cassie's beauty, infact she admire and loves  her like a sister.

During college, she protected her like a mother hen, although Cassie is much capable it's just she is oblivious of her own beauty.

Feeling full already, Cassie is ready to go, she nudged Alice who is a little lost wondering what got on her mind that made her silent.

Blinking, Alice started to trudge to the counter to pay for their meal but Sam intercepted her.

It's on the house, my treat...

Surprised,  though she know the reason why but cannot help to say thanks to him  anyway. She would always welcome a free good meal.

As the two exited the cafe..

Cassie asked, were are we going next? I think it's too early to go shopping.

How about a walk in the park, I think I eat too much and walking would helped me digest the calories I'd taken today. I'm not exactly like you who can eat anything without worries of gaining wait. I envy you Cass, you maintain  your perfect figure without sweating from those needed excercise.

Oh!! Cassie exclaimed excitedly, let's go to Central Park, it's one of my wish to take a stroll one day. I just love the scenery of those lush green trees during summer and turned fiery red in autumn, I want to experience those things while I'm here.

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