Chapter 26

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Alex felt lethargic today, after the talk he had with Kevin last night, he laid his bed tossing and turning.

His thoughts are consumed with Cassandra, he can’t believe that he and his bestfriend would compete in getting the woman’s attention at the same time.

Never in his wildest dreams that this time would come, that his going to be torn and confused.

Atleast they settled the issue last night, as much as he like to explore what he feels for Cassie, at the same time he doesn’t want to jeopardize his friendship with Kevin.

They’ve been through a lot already, nothing can  severe their friendship which is forged by both being in each other's back, they were brothers.

But  the image of Cassie in the hands of any other man brought a pang in his heart. If ever that time comes, can he lived with it?

It’s so hard to ponder, and he cannot bring himself to entertain the possibilities, he already claimed her as his own.


Are you stalking me?

Oh God no, I...I mean, Kevin is so flustered that he cannot think of a good comeback.

He is so rattled at Cassie’s accusation that he become a blabbering fool. It was never happened to him, he is so accustomed to women who fawned him just  to notice them. But infront of Cassie, he forgot to be a confident and successful businessman. God, what she might think of me, but he just heard a melodious  laughter coming from her.

While  looking at Kevin’s embarassed face, Cassie  cannot help but laugh. Oh my God! I’m sorry... I’m just kidding you know. She plastered him a smile, and  still  she cannot helped but giggles. Oh, that was epic...I would never thought of you as such. What are you doing here anyway?’ve got me there Cass, I’d never pegged you as a joker, that was a good one.
Seriously Cassie, who would have thought that apart from being perfect in looks you had this side of being a comedian.

That’s people misconception about me, when you grew up with two older brother’s whose mission is to annoy you with their constant  pranks you would understand. To retaliate, you should think of ways to outsmart them or else they’re going to make your life miserable. While saying this, a fond smile grace in her beautiful face remembering the good all days with her siblings.

Looking at Cassie’s angelic face he cannot help but admire her more.They were standing in the sidewalk outside the café.
The sun cast her profile, she is radiating of warm glow, with her golden hair cascading in her shoulder she looks ethereal.

And I want to know this sides of yours, I’d like to hang out with you sometimes or maybe I could show you the city. I learned from Ethan this is your first time here and  could be your tour guide. I know every nook and cranny in this city, I lived here all my life.

Kevin looked at Cassie's thoughtful face, he really wanted to spend sometimes with her.
How about that, he tried to assure, don’t worry I would be the perfect gentleman.
I’m completely harmless, you can call my Mother if you don’t believe me, she can vouched for that.

Cassie felt amused at Kevin reassuring her, he even mentioned his Mother, he is such  a funny guy and easy to get along with despite being rich and successful. She found him a good natured person even if they just meet a few times. She had this gut feeling that he can be a good friend in the future.

Sorry if you found me too forward in offering  you my assistance, but I considered you as a friend already. Here, handing his phone, you can put your  number  and call me anytime. I would not  hesitate to come everytime you need my help.

Cassie is done typing her number in Kevin’s phone and she give it back to him, but before he could reach it, Kevin ask her if it's okay to take their picture so they did.

Busy taking selfies, they didn’t see Alice approaching their way.

Nice of you two  ignoring me?  Are you done making enough silly faces in whomever phone that is?

Hearing Alice complaints, they broke into a series of laughter. They ask her to joined them, and Alice enthusiasm is restored.

After they done, Kevin said...Well, girls I’ll leave you two  to catch up. I’m done with my lunch and heading back to my office when I saw you Cass. I will see you girls again next time and bid them goodbye. He just started walking into his office direction but an idea popped on his mind,  he had a silly smile when he send Alex the picture of him and Cassie , he already anticipated Alexander's reaction gonna be.

While the girls entering the Café, Alice started to tease Cassie. They found a secluded booth so they can talk without being interrupted.

Alice called her earlier to meet here to have lunch and she agreed. Aleast here she won’t grill her of those dreaded questions, not like when they just stayed at the apartment Cassie is so sure Alice won’t let her rest until she is exhausted to find any plausible excuses and deter her.

I'm hoping you forgot about it already.

No way I'm getting you off that easily.
With out any hesitation Alice started to ask Cassie.

So, tell me the juicy details of you and Alex the other night,  and don’t think you can lie and have your way  try to get out of it.

There’s  nothing exciting to usual we accidentally bumped to each other. I’m a bit drunk , and my memory is hazy that night, we just shared the elevator ride.

Why don’t I believe you, during dinner last night Alex can’t seem to take his eyes off you.

You're one lucky girl Cass, having two men vying for your attention, and not ordinary or regular guys but the most eligible bachelors in New York even the world, and bestfriends to boot. Between Kevin and Alexander I would choose  Alex for you, you two are perfect for each other.

What are you talking about? Kevin is just a friend, he saved me, remember? And for Alexander, its impossible to like that arrogant jerk, he’s so full of himself, Arrgh.., I hate him.

Really? because I saw your reaction too, you are flustered, you can deny it all you want but I know you like  Alex.

Oh...I'm so excited for the two of you being together, you're going to be the envy of all women out there who wanted Alex for themselves, specially that bitch Katherine.

Cassie is just shaking her head at Alice enthusiastic reaction, she didn't show it on her face, but getting to know Alexander is the one thing she wished for. Why of all people she had to like him ? Strange,  when everytime they meet they were  engaged into a heated coversation which lead her to believed that they were opposite. Maybe the saying is true that opposite attracts. Cassie jolt with the sudden realization and groaned in despair. Of all the luck in this world why did she have to fall for Alexander?

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