Chapter 44

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Streamed of sunlight seeped through the curtain in Alex bedroom. It's a blissful morning for the lovers to wake up in each other's arm.

Cassie felt the strong arms wrapped her tiny waist, her back is pressed in Alex naked limbs. He peppered her with tiny kisses to her nape and exposed collarbone." Morning Mon Amour."

A euphoric smile graced in Cassie's face, she felt happy and contented engulfed in Alex warm body. She still can't believe that they finally did it, but she had no regrets, she only felt alive and ecstatic. She turn to Alex with a glowing smile, with out an ounce of shyness. Although this is her first time to wake up in a man's embrace, she didn't felt any hesitance to face the day with positivity and enthusiasm, that she did a right decision. She embraced it with a warm feeling that spread her heart and runs to the pit of her belly down to her toes. They didn't utter the love word last night instead they showed it through their action.

What's going on your pretty head Mon Amour, any regrets?

To answer his question and erased the doubt on his mind she kissed him passionately, Alex once more is awakened by the desire he had for her. He cannot get enough taste of Cassie's sweet little body and he would never doubt that he will. They were equal in their passion and once more the room is filled with moans and grunts of the two lovers immersed into an intense lovemaking.

Their sweaty body is still entangled after their session, trying to calm their breaths from their vigorous love making. Alex trace the line of her back which earn a delicious shudder from her body.

The rumbling of Cassie's stomach shattered the silence when the two erupts into a bouts of laughter.

As much as I'd like to stay in the bed whole day with you Mon Amour, we need to get up because I know your famished. Your body needs nourishment to survive my lovemaking, Alex teased. I'm insatiable when it comes to you, but I know your sore.

Cassie blushed at Alex bold confession, she lost count how many times they've done it. Alex is an ardent lover and she herself reciprocates without any inhibition, she cannot believe she did all that with out any semblance of awkwardness. Her body aches and she felt some soreness in her private parts as she stretch her body languidly.

I need to run a warm bath Mon Amour, stay in the bed while he get up unbothered of his stark nakedness.

Cassie boldly roam her eyes to his backside, he has a wide shoulder and narrow waist and his butt is firm. She has this naughty thought to squeeze it and give a spank.

Alex flex his muscles to relieve some strain and hear a delicious giggles from Cassie. Someone's being naughty, will you share  your thoughts with me Mon Amour?

Cassie shakes her head and blushed covered her delicate face and neck.

Alex smirk because he knows what's on her mind even if she didn't want to share it. He walk through the bathroom unashamed of being butt naked. When he reach the door he turn slightly and wink to Cassie who is not fast enough to avert her eyes, instead she was caught ogling and having a feast on his body, but she never hide the desire that sparks in her eyes.

Alex filled the bathtub with warm water and pour some scented oil to sooth her aching body. He then walk back to the room and see Cassandra still sprawled in the bed lying naked. Those tempting curves is more visible in the light of day that comes from the open curtain. Her golden hair spread like a halo, she look like a goddess ready to seduce the unsuspecting mortal. He is tempted to join her in the bed and make love to her once more, but he had to control himself. Her ravished body need to adjust from his extensive exploration, he is like a starving beast that has been denied of slaking his pleasure but only on Cassie's body he would find gratification.

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