Chapter 3

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Upon arriving into his office, he parked his Aston Martin in the underground parking reserved only for him. He take his private elevator with out greeting his employees.
They know one look at his face one should clear the area or else you will suffer from the devil's wrath. Yes, Alex know what his employees called him behind his back, "Devil Alexander" but no one dares to call him right through his face, either you lose your job or you're out in the street. His employees tries to look inconspicuous whenever he's in, they know of his temper but he had an exemplary leadership which brought his company on top.

At the 90th floor where his office located, he give a survey in his surrounding, it's spacious but minimal. His bestfriend would often comment that it's too impersonal or clinical. But the truth is, he doesn't like clutter, some would say he is a clean freak, he just wanted neat and tidy space for his own peace of mind. He comes here for work not to relax, he doesn't need a cozy environment in his office he had a home for that. Aside from him, no one is allowed to enter his office besides Mary and Kevin. He meet his clients outside the office or in the conference room.

Looking at his wrist watch he still early, usually the employees work starts at 9am to 5pm. Sitting in his chair, he review some documents pertaining to the new acquisition of Howard Corp, an industrial company owned by the Howard family. Due to some neglect and mismanagement of the good for nothing James Howard, he made it easy for Alex to buy their oldest company without their notice. He doesn't need it actually, it's just a way of getting his revenge came into fruition after so many years of waiting. Alex know that the old Howard coudn't take on his pride when he comes to know of the new owner. He will surely blamed his son, all he does is partying and women, such a wastrel. How he hated that guy, even when they were kids James tried to compete with him in everything. As if he had some intelligence, he almost didn't get into college if his father didn't paid off his way.

Some would say their families are bitter business rival, and that's true...the rivalry goes back to the first generation of Blackhurst and Howard family. The Howard tried to unsurp the heirarchy in business but no one beats the Blackhurst, they remain on top until now.

Alex has a motive to bring the Howard's family business down. He suspected long before that the old Gregory Howard is behind his parents accident. He just had to accumulate more evidence to bring them down, starting buying their company's stocks anonymously. He clenched his fist thinking of the past, it took him 15 years to extract his revenge. All those years he made a slow progress until recently which pointed out Howard's involvement as he originally thought, thanks to detective Martin and his tireless effort in finding the truth, he can now ease the burden he carried for a long time to give his parents justice.

Right before maudlin thoughts consumed him, he heard a knock from his secretary. Mary, a 55 year old woman who served also as his Father's secretary and one of the people Alex trusted.

"You're early, Mary said in surprise..

Nah!! your just late, Alex replied with a stern look on his face.

" I brought your favorite coffee to save you from morning grumpiness ..

" You know I could fire you with that insolence, ...Alex hide his smirk behind the coffee's cup.

"As if you could,.. answered Mary, you know already that I'm almost going to retire and enjoy your generous reward. Speaking of that, I can't wait to go in that cruise with Ben, thank you Alexander. both deserve it, it's my anniversary gift to both of you. Now, enough of this, what about your replacement, have you found one? You know my qualification, I will leave you to it.

Oh! I'm on it , I need to conduct an interview, in one month time I have enough time to train my replacement.

Make sure to do that, but no one could beat your efficiency Mary, your the best. What would I do without you? I'm sure gonna miss you, and Kevin also. Everytime he comes here, you're the first one he's looking forward to see.

That boy and his silly jokes, he was hilarious with it but I cannot help to laugh of his antics.

That's true Alex thought, his bestfriend and his lame jokes can brightened Mary's day, but for him he was just annoyingly immature but loves him nonetheless.

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