Chapter 27

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Alexander is having a conference when he received a notification on his phone. He ignored it, his focus is on the annual reports of each department heads regarding the performance in their departments.

A few minutes later, he heard another ping, with annoyance he opened his phone. It's from his besfriend, and there, staring back at him Kevin and Cassandra's pictures .

He scrolled each one of them, they both look very happy and seems enjoying the day. His knuckles turned white, suppressing the jealousy that almost consumed his being.

So his bestfriend didn't waste time to woo Cassie.What if she likes Kevin, some women preferred his boyish looks and easy going nature. He knows his bestfriend can charmed any woman if he wants to.

No,..I won't let that happened, Cassandra is mine.

Still in deep thoughts, not minding his employees watching him with interest.

What caused him to have that menacing look, nobody dared to ask, afraid that they were going to be the one to bear the brunt of his outburst.

Alex wanted to flung his phone, but looking at Cassie's beautiful smiling face cannot helped but touch it, he caressed it with longing.

Damn,.. what happened to him, he become so enamored with her that he cannot fathom his jealousy even with his bestfriend.

Several minutes past, he still in deep contemplation, his staffs starts fidgeting, they didn't know if they're going to say something. One man is clearing his throat, this made Alex snapped from his thoughts.

Do you have a problem?

No, no Sir..

Then shut up!!! all of you get out!!! re-schedule the meeting tomorrow.

Everyone hastily walked out with a lightning speed, they can finally breath with ease.

Mary looking at them passing her table, some of them with ashen face . Wondering what happened inside, the conference had just started, then why it's finished early?

Alexander  walk out from the conference room,and  stormed in his office without stopping by. He told Mary not to disturb him.

Mary is used to seeing Alexander liked this.., she's startled when the receptionist called that a certain George Howard wanted to talk to Alexander.

Mary can't believe the gall of that man coming here, many years had passed since that day he step foot in here. She told the receptionist, to tell that man he cannot come here with out appointment and she hang up the phone. Alexander would never meet him.

The ding in the elevator jolted Mary from her thoughts.

Upon seeing who it is, she cannot restrain hereself from raising her voice.

What are you doing here? you have no business coming here, go back to your lair, you're not even  welcome here. Alexander is so busy, he doesn't want to be disturb especially from the likes of you.

Ah.., Mary, the Blackhurst loyal dog, you're still here I see.. and fiesty as ever.

How dare you disrespect me, clearly you haven't changed after all this year, you still have a rotten personality.

Careful with your words Mary, you know what happened to people who pissed me off, do I need to remind you?,

Mary knows what the bastard meant, so she choose to be silent, but inside she's fuming, silently coursing the despicable man. His comeuppance is near, she cannot wait for that day.

Call Alexander, tell him I'm here.

He told me not to disturb him, surely you cannot expect me to disobey. As you said earlier I am loyal, there goes my loyalty.

Without waiting for Mary's rebuffed, George Howard pushed her aside and strode to Alex office.

Mary is trying to catch up with him, but he already push the door.

Hey, you cannot barged in there..

Hearing some commotion outside, Alexander is ready to bark some profanities whoever tries to diturb him when his door is harshly pushed by the man he wanted to take his revenge on.

I'm sorry Alex, I tried to stop him but...

It's alright Mary, it's not your fault that there are people who has no manners. Imposing their repugnant presence  even their not worthy to waste any of your precious time.

Alexander my boy, isn't that too harsh to say to your future father in- law?

What are you doing here Howard,? State what you want so you can leave, I have important things to do than wasting my time with you.

It come to my attention  that you and Katherine have something going on, it's all over the news...

You mean those tabloids, that your daughter paid for?

George is sputtered with indigntion, don't disrespect my daughter Alexander, she is very famous and a sucessful woman.

Famous and successful you say? What a pity, for she used her body to reach to the top. And don't try to act like you care for your daughter, you're the one who sold her to the highest bidder anyway.

George Howard is not affected by this, because it's true he didn't care much for his daughter.

Well, what can I say, money is everything to me.

I'm here because I want to buy back the Howard Industries, that company has been in my family for generation. I want you to sell it for me.

You're the one to demand here Howard, it's your son's fault his a lousy businessman, I wonder where did he got those traits.

Careful what you say boy, you don't know who you were dealing with.

Your threat has no meaning to me, you are nothing but a lonely old man whose empire is going to crumble to the ground.

Your arrogance is your downfall Alexander, you're just like your father. Look where he is now, six feet underground with your Mother.

You bastard,.. roared Alex ready to pounce and pummeled the evil man , but Mary rushed in.

Alexander no..don't let him provoke you into doing something you will regret later.

Mary's voice doused Alex murderous rage, he's ready to kill the bastard. He lost his control, if not for Mary's impeccable timing, he is sure George Howard is going to be hospitalized or might be dead.

All these years, his pent up anger toward this monster  made him lose his self restraint.

Get out,, and never dare to show your face here, ever again...

Were not done Alexander, you will regret this like your father did. Now I like to see you lose control,.taunting Alex.

Mary still holding his hand,.. pulled Alex back when he's ready to punch and wipe off those smug look on that despicable man's face.

Don't let him get under your skin, he's not worth it. Remember, there's a timing for everything. You've been patient enough to the longest time, you don't want to lose everything you worked for.

Alex know what Mary meant, it's regarding the investigation, it's almost complete so he tried to calm down.

Mary is right, you should listened to her, sadly your father didn't, and then he strutted liked he'd won already.

Oh God Mary!! I' ve lost my control..

I know Alex, I know.. and he knows your weakness. Let him rejoice for the small victory because his end is near.

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