Chapter 24

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Meanwhile, Cassie is getting ready for the night, she only have to wait for Alice call.

Looking at the mirror she is satisfied with her look. She know a high end restaurant like that, the customers are surely the richest in the city.

She didn't want to look out of place. What Cassie hates are people who look down at someone because they think they're better than her stuck up Grand Mother.

Giving her look a once over, she's not overdressed for a dinner she thinks. She wears a blue sleeveless dress, the hem is a little above the knee. The back is V- shape but it didn't shows too much skin. It's still warm at night, but she had to paired it with white blazer just in case the weather turns chilly, it might become handy. She just dabbed a light make up and wearing a simple diamond earing, she doesn't want to look ostentatious.

Wearing her Louboutin high heel, she grab her purse and head downstairs. She just received a message from Alice, they're waiting outside already.

Ethan's car is already parked in the driveway.

"You don't have to sit with me in the back you know, Ethan is not our driver.

He will be tonight, we will be treated like a princess, Alice answered saucily and wink at her amused boyfriend.

Lucky you, you have found your Prince....and poor me, maybe I'm going to be your maidservant.

No way, you're destined to be Queen and maybe tonight, you're going to meet your King, who knows?

Ethan just smiling listening to these two bantering like a silly school girls.

They talk some mundane topics like society and politics to pass the time.

I like your dress by the way, you look sophisticated and elegant, said Alice to Cassie.

And're the only one I know who can rock the red color.

Where here, Ethan informed the girls.

They both reaching for the car doors, but Ethan suddenly said.

Wait...let the Prince do the honor of opening the door for his Princess and the Queen.

Extending his hand first to Alice and then Cassie, the girls are all smiles.

Seeing the restaurant for the first time, both girls can't help but amaze, from the name "Amore" itself you cannot help but fall in love.

Watching the girl's expression, Ethan cannot help but to feel proud and happy. He is glad he choose this restaurant. He is planning to propose to Alicia here next time and hope his plan goes well. Maybe he would ask Cassie for help.

Still unmoving he said...wait until you see inside. I won't spoil it by details, and he escorted the girls beaming with pride.

Oh my God!! Cassie exclaimed in delight. The décor is so elegant like one you saw in the travel magazine the "Palazzo" in Venice .

She wished she could go there one day. The painted ceiling is a work of an artisan, she love the intricate patterns. This restaurant screamed of opulence, no wonder only rich people can afford to dine here.

The maitre de ushered them to their table, but before they could take their seat, an unfamiliar voice greeted Cassie.

Cassie? Cassie it is you!!! The guy said excitedly...

Wondering who the guy is, she jog her memory and finally she remember, he's the guy in the club who helped her the other night.

It's Kevin... extending his hand, Kevin Matthews, sorry we didn't have time to introduce each other last night.

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