Chapter 37

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Cass how are you? Alice can hear her despondent voice on the other line, have you heard anything from Alex?

That arrogant man, it's been two days already and he haven't tried to contact me, no message, anything at all. I am so pissed at him right now, how dare he ignored me after promising he wouldn't leave me..What a boyfriend he is..

Seriously Cass, did you even tried to contact him too?

Why should I, as a man he was suppose to be the one to concede or make the effort first.

Cassandra...Alice drag her name in exasperation. A relationship doesn't work that way, are you the one who said to him that he should give you time to think in the first place? Instead of moping around, you should do something about it. You have his number, then why don't you try to call him?

I don't know, kind of I'm just waiting for him to reach me first, gosh.. I'm so dumb.

No, you're just the way aunt Mary called me for a favor, she forgot some important documents and ask me to bring it to her, she didn't know I was here at Ethan's. Cass, is it ok for you to be the one to bring it down to Alex office? You can get it to uncle Ben, I already told him that I ask you to be the one to fetch it and bring it to aunt Mary. This is your opportunity to see Alexander, you have now a reason to see him, I think it's a good idea.

" You're not busy, you just wanted to push me and grovel to Alexander..

Admit it Cass, with your pride you need some pushing too. Believed me, I was there on your shoes and it only made me miserable. If you wanted your happiness you just have to grab it and do something. There's no harm in trying, if you lose atleast you don't have to keep on wondering. I just want you to be happy, and I believe Alex can give you the happiness you deserve.

Fine, I'll go now, I hope you're right..

Before she could press the doorbell, the front door is yanked opened by Ben. I saw you in the monitor incase you're wondering.

Oh hi! uncle Ben how are you!

I'm fine Cass, and sorry to bother you. Mary is so forgetful these days that's why Alexander wanted her to retire and find a replacement. He even gifted us a two weeks cruise as our anniversary present. That boy, he's been kind to us ever since. Why I'm don't know him anyway, he is Mary's boss, actually our boss.

It's okay uncle Ben, Cassie doesn't want to correct him that she know Alexander very much.

Here, he handed the documents, you know already the address of the Blackhurst empire? you cannot missed it, it's the tallest building in downtown Manhattan.

Don't worry uncle Ben I know my way, I should go now, bye..

It's easy to locate Alex building, besides being the tallest one around, you cannot helped but stop and gawked. The building is all glass that when the sun hits, it  sparkles like diamond. It's a sight to behold, it stood majestically among other tall towers. No wonder everybody in New York know who Alexander Blackhurst is. Even the taxi driver earlier cannot helped to voice his opinion of how lucky she is to work there.

Working under Blackhurst empire is a dream come true to anyone. But as far as she knows, Alex has a very high standards in hiring his employees. Either you are an Ivy League graduate or top of your class. He is a perfectionist that everbody called him " Devil Alexander, he doesn't tolerate mistakes. But he compensate them well, their salary alone is staggering, he can afford it anyway, he's worth billions.

Before she could enter the lobby she could see there were guards loitering outside. The security here is extreme, she thought. She was checked by a scanner and ask what's her purpose before she was cleared and give her an entry pass. She wasn't aware of the admiring looks the guards giving her.

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