Chapter 49

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" A gentle touch in his head awaken Alex from his slumber, he was still a bit disoriented from weariness in the past few days of struggle and worries. Devoid of any sleep and lack of food drained his energy that he felt like any moment he would fall back asleep. Still deep in consternation he felt a nudge from his arm which revert his focus and reverie from the most amazing sight he'd ever seen. His beautiful Cassandra smiling at him and he thought he was just dreaming. They both staring at each other with tearful eyes. Overwhelming happiness runs Alex viens seeing Cassie finally opened her beautiful eyes that he missed so much. He gently caress her face loving the warmth feeling in his hand that spread through his heart.

" Hi, Cassie said first in her croaked voice.

" Oh Mon Amour, you gave me the greatest scare of my life. I was so afraid I would lose you, and I cannot bear the thought of not being able to hold you anymore. It pained me that you suffered because of me.

" Shhh... I' m okay, I'm here with you Alex, she reached for his face but grimaced for the pain she felt in her whole body.

Don't force yourself to move Mon Amour, I need to inform the Doctor, I'm still worried of your condition and just wanted to make sure you're okay now.

He then press the button and not a minute later Doctor Calloway arrive.

Looks like our sleeping beauty finally awakes now, humored the Doctor. How are you feeling my dear?

I feel like I've been stomped of an elephant, my body aches all over.

I'm sorry you have to suffer for that my dear, but base on my observation you're on the road for recovery. Your vitals are good and I don't see any complication after the surgery, but I need to do some scan tomorrow to make sure that no complication arise. You are a very lucky woman Cassandra, only few recovered from coma, I'm glad you surpassed all those life threatening situation. Your fiance here can finally be at ease and not making any more threats to us poor souls here. You just have to rest my dear, your body still weak and in need of complete rest to recover.

After doing some series of check up and assurance, Dr. Calloway observed that the two lovers were engrossed with each other's presence and his glad that Alex is happy.

Well, I think I'm done here, I'll see you tomorrow morning for some follow- up check up and scan. Alex my boy, take care of Cassie and don't let her tire. I know how anxious you are for these past few days, I can assure you that all is well now.

Thank you uncle Al, how can I ever repay you?

Don't thank me Alex, thank the good Lord for your answered prayer and your love for each other.

Cassie listening the conversation between Alex and the doctor cannot help but feel a sense of gratefulness to God for giving her another life and chance to be with the man she loved. She can see Alex desperation for the Doctor's assurance of her recovery. She cannot imagined the pain inflicted on him because of her accident.

" What is it Mon Amour, where does it hurt? I can withstand any physical pain but seeing you this way is the most torment I cannot endure. I'm hurting here, pointing his chest. I will gladly accept to be in your place just to see you out from suffering and pain. This past few days is pure torture to me, but I didn't lose hope that you will be able to come through this because I know you will fight for us.

" I love you so much Cassandra", and I'm sorry I didn't said it before. I regret not telling you how I felt, and when I think that I'm almost too late to say it gives me a pain I cannot imagine. I prayed hard to God that you will survive because I want to show you how much I love you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and I'm glad that he granted me this chance.

" Oh Alex, I love you too", when I'm in coma all I can hear is your voice calling my name. My love for you gives me the strenght to fight and my will to survive keeps my spirit to win the  battle  of life just to be with you once more.

Alex give Cassie the sweetest kiss that feels like coming home after the pain. Reluctantly they pulled their lips when both are panting for air. They smiled lovingly, they felt safe in each other's nearness.

Alex seeing Cassie getting tired already, urged her to sleep.

Come here lie with me, this a huge bed and you look haggard and in need of rest too.

I'm fine here in the chair Mon Amour, I'm afraid if I move you might get hurt and in pain. Your arms and legs are in cast it might cause you discomfort. You need to rest, I don't want you to get stressed for tomorrow you will be flooded with visitors. Your Dad and aunt flown here the day of your accident, they're staying at Alicia's apartment. Everyone wanted to come here tonight when I informed them that you wake up, they're all ecstatic but I told them to come in the morning instead since you need more rest.

Thank you Alexander, I missed them too. I know they are all worried about me, I cannot wait to see them tomorrow.

Go on close your eyes, I won't go anywhere. I will be right here when you wake up.

" Goodnight Alex, I love you".

"Goodnight Mon Amour, I love you too. He kissed Cassandra's forehead, not a minute later she fell asleep. Alex sudden charge of energy cannot help but look at the woman whom he willingly trade up his life...his Cassie. Even looked beaten she's still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. For the longest time he felt at peace, having the woman he loved is now out in danger and the culprits behind her accident and his parents murder are in jail just waiting for the trial, and he will make sure that they will rot in prison. He swears for revenge and he was happy that finally it comes into fruition and he can now freely moved forward with Cassie by his side and spend his days living with her without worries.

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