Chapter 43

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"The day of the gala Cassie is being pampered by the bevy of women that Alex sent in her apartment to get her ready for tonight's ball. All she have to do is relax and let the women do their works, but she cannot help to feel a little bit of dread. She is going with Alex for the first time in public, and it's going to be a huge flash knowing she is with the most sought after bachelor. And if Alex said was true that he never brought a date before, then certainly the cameras will be focus on them.

She choose a Cinderella white ball gown to wear. Upon seeing it for the first time, she loved it instantly which also commented by Alice that it will look good on her. Her creamy shoulder is visible with a little hint of cleavage, and she paired it with a silver gloves. The designer gushed with her impeccable choice, she really looks like a princess. They were amazed how beautiful Cassie is. They didn't need a lot of work to have this amazing result. She's truly is enchanting, no magic of make up needed for enhancement. They only did her hair which coiffed in perfect style with a little ringlets on each side that emphasize her long and graceful neck . They praised her and also excited to see the reaction of their Boss, no wonder he is so inlove with her,they were perfect for each other they thought. Cassie is so kind to them, she didn't make any fuss, instead she treat them like they were her friends. Not like those other rich women who treats them like slaves with their never ending demands.

There's a sudden hushed of voices when they heard the doorbell rings. There's a rapt of attention on the women faces when Alex stood in the front door, jaw- drop seeing Cassandra's appearance.

His heart is beating wildly, "my goodness Mon Amour, you look like a vision, my mind is blown away. Wow! You look like a goddess, so beautiful and magnificent.

Cassie is so overwhelmed by Alex compliments.She cannot believe also when she look herself in the mirror. She was surprised that she can be this beautiful. She thanks the women, but they just dismissed her because they didn't work really hard in making her beautiful because she already is, they said in unison.

Alex who is still stunned, suddenly alerted back in conscious when he hear the women's giggles. Nancy, the head of the women he hired, a friend of his also is snickering at him. He know that look, the mirth in her eyes teasing him in his inability to hide his feelings to Cassandra. He is known for his controlled persona but when it comes to Cassie he never hides what he feels for her.

" Don't, if you want a bonus for your service".

I never thought that I would see the day that you would let your guard down and open your heart to a woman. But meeting Cassie, she's worth it and I'm happy for you.

Alex hander her the check.

Seeing the amount, her eyes are wide as saucer. This generous of you Alex, but knowing you can afford it, I'm definitely going to accept it she said cheekily. They left the two sweethearts with smile on their faces.

There's a tense silence in the atmosphere, the two looking each other with love shining in their eyes. Alex reach is his breast pocket and handed Cassie a box.

She opened it with a gasp of surprise, this is the most beautiful jewelry she'd ever seen. A diamond necklace that fits for a queen, and not only just diamond, a pink diamond that is rare, and there's a matching set of earings.

"I hope you like it Mon Amour, this was my mother's and I wanted you to wear this tonight. Let me fasten it for you.

Cassie turns her back while Alex fasten the necklace, his warm breath fanned her neck sent her heart in a flurry of wild beats. She stilled her breath, Alex touch her shoulder delicately tracing her collarbone and he press a tiny kiss on her nape before he turn her to face him.

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