Chapter 16

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Later that night , Alex decided to have a drink so he headed to the bar in the hotel.
He's not a heavy drinker, occasionally he indulge himself a glass or two for him to relax. Sometimes he let his bestfriend Kevin drag him in some bars. He didn't actually enjoyed it, but the jerk won't stop pestering him. Thinking of Kevin, he had to give him a call when he get back.

Everyone in the bar is looking in his direction, he's used to it. Women blatantly giving him signals even batting their eyelashes to make it obvious, but he choose to ignore them. He is not in the mood to associate himself with a random hookups.

One particular woman is bold enough to approach him. With confident grace she strutted toward Alex swaying her hips sexily.

Alexander...whispered the sultry looking female, fancy meeting you here. Without further invitation she sits beside him, buy me a drink..

Finally looking at Katherine, he had no choice but heed her request, after all he's a gentleman. What would you like?

The one you're having,? Katherine leaning suggestively with her come hither look. To everyone listening, hearing that sultry voice spoke volume of double entendre or innuendo.

Women in the nearby table casting glances , they envied Katherine for having a chance in indulging a flirtatious conversation with the most eligible bachelor in the world.

Alex snorted, he knows of Katherine's promiscous side. He remember during college how many times she tried to seduced him. As if he would let himself succumb in the lure and wiles of an enemy. He admit that Katherine is gorgeous and sultry, most of the college boys fights to get her attention but she didn't appeal to him, infact she repulsed him. Not only because their families have a long standing rivalry in business, it's also because he hates women like her who uses her beauty to get what she wants. Alex just continued his silence and ignore the woman beside him.

Katherine is getting antsy, nobody dares to reject her, whatever she  wants she would get it, wether it's hook or by crook. But when it comes to Alexander, she'd do anything regardless of the consequences. She remembers in college the girls tend to flock his side, he's so popular, he excelled in everything in looks and academic. She threatened those girls, and sometimes she used excessive force by bribing someone to scare them. Her friends may called her feelings for Alexander in borderline obsession, but she didn't care as long as Alex would be hers.

Come on Alex, you cannot just ignore me, we know each other since kids. You can atleast ask me how  I've been. Since college you avoided me like plague, it is because I confessed my feelings to you? You never gave me a chance, I've done everything for you to noticed me. You know a lot of guys is dying to have me, but you Alex, you always brushed me off. I chased you and even making a fool of myself, but you didn't gave a damn, not one second.

Don't flatter yourself, you said you have feelings for me back then, if only you know how the boys in the campus talking about you sleeping each one of them.

You think I'm a slut?

He just shrugged, you said it yourself.

Katherine is indignant, after she poured her heart out, Alex just seemed uninterested.

She's boiling inside, but never dares to lose her composure, though smiling she's enrage at his flippant gesture. How dare Alex disregard her feelings, she is voted as one of the most beautiful model in the world.

Silently fuming, thinking how to get back of Alexander for the insult. She knows there are paparazzi lurking nearby because of her fashion show held in here earlier, she tried to look seductive and leaned on Alex. To the onlookers they only have an intimate conversation.

If only they knew.. what devious mind Katherine has.

Katherine knows how to make appearances, she craves attention, and this is her chance to unsettle Alex.

Alex had just enough of Katherine, so decided to finish off the night. He had early flight tomorrow, he need some rest. He cannot wait to go back to New York, he knows a pile of works awaits.

What he didn't know is that Katherine staged the intimate moment she made  with him  earlier and bribe some tabloid magazine to published it. It can help boost her image, and speculation of their true relationship will definitely make an interesting headlines.

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