Meet Me In The Hallway

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Y/N PoV:

"Yn, you've got to wake up", I hear as I slowly open my eyes, as things come into focus I see Reid crouched down so that he is eye level and his hand is on my shoulder lightly shaking me.

"What?", I say still confused and drousy.

"We both overslept, we are gonna be late", he said his voice still calm and quiet despite it being an urgant matter. I sat up quickly once I processed his words and rubbed my eyes.

"God, what time is it?"

"We have around 16 minutes and 38 seconds before we have to be there", he replied. "That leaves us with 12 minutes 14 seconds before we have to leave"

"I'm not gonna have enough time to go to my apartment, we are gonna be so late", I say, "If you wanna go to work and I'll go over to my apartment, you don't have to wait for me, I don't want to make you even later", I ramble on getting more nervous by the minute, being late really starts to trigger my anxiety.

"Really it's no problem, you can borrow some of my clothes if you want and you have your jeans from yesterday and I have a perfectly good shower you can use", he says grabbing my hand as I was picking at my nails and looked straight into my eyes, which made my butterflies go mad, "And if you hate my clothes that much well we can stop at your apartment and I just be a little bit later".

"Okay", I say through deep breathe and he smiled at me and let go off my hands.

"You shower, I'll do breakfast. 1, 2, 3... go!", he said as I it was a race and I laughed before basically Half running to the shower. I hopped in the shower and it felt like I was going at full speed and before I knew it I was fully washed and went to grab a towel... a towel that wasn't there. Fuck.

"Reid", I called out hesitantly and I heard some footsteps approach the door.


"I don't have a towel", I say, my cheeks burning red.

"Oh", he said, "I'm um sorry, I'll get you one now", he said and I heard open a cupboard down the hall and come back. "C-can I open the door", he said and agree standing behind it. The door opened slightly and his arm slid through with the towel, I couldn't help but laugh as I saw it.

"Thank you", I said and he closed the door, once I was dry I stepped out of the bathroom in the towel as I needed to chose some of Reid's clothes. As I stepped out of the bathroom I was already embarrased, there had not been many times were I had walked around a guys apartment with just a towel on that wasn't gay, only once to be exact. Reid popped his head around the corner when he heard me, I saw his eyes widen a little.

"I-if you wanna check out my wardrobe you can pick um anything you like", he said stumbling over his words, "I'm gonna shower now, breakfast is on the table" and I smiled at him before walking into his bedroom. It wasn't hard to pic an outfit, I pretty much loved all of his jumpers, cardigan and sweater vests. I endend up stealing one of his shirts and pairing it with a brown, what I like to call, grandpa jumper, however it all looked rather unprofessional with my jeans so I also took a tie and tied it loosely around my neck. I hung up my towel to dry and I walked into the kitchen, I smiled as I saw two mugs, one filled with Hot chocolate and the other with coffee next to a big plate of French toast, I thought this guy said he couldn't cook, yet he whipped those up in 5 minutes. I sat down and began to eat trying to eat as quickly as possible yet still not wanting to throw up as I did I thought about how I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, I slept all 7 hours and I felt amazing. I heard some footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Reid with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair a wet mess and his glasses all fogged up and I choked a little on my French toast.

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