Only Angel

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Y/n PoV
It was 11 when I woke up and yet again I had another bad night but it was okay, I was managing like a I always did. I checked my phone to see a message from Reid,

R: hi, I was wondering how you felt about getting brunch around eleven thirty??

That gave me approximately 22 minutes to get ready.

Yn: sounds great :)

I quickly got myself out of bed and went to my wardrobe and chucked out a white turtle neck, a brown oversized shirt and my usual flares. I threw the outfit on and then went it to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess and curly as ever so I did what I usually did, I put it up and let my curtain bangs loose at the sides. I brushed my teeth whilst staring at the bags under my eyes but decided not to dwell on them so I threw on my rings and necklace. It seemed relatively cloudy and cold outside so I grabbed a leather jacket of the rack and went into the kitchen. 15 minutes until Reid came and my heart was racing. After I packed my purse I passed the time with reading and before I knew it there was a buzz at the door. I quickly grabbed my bag, kissed May goodbye and ran down the stairs and there was Reid looking like what I could only describe as a teddy bear; his hair was fluffy and he was in a sweater (that I was very jealous of) and some jeans. When he saw me he smiled and waved. "Hi", he said "how are you?"

"Good", I said smiling happily back at him, "you?".

"Perfect", he said beaming, "I have this cafe in mind that we could do to if you are alright with that?". I nodded at him and we walked down the side walk. "Are you not gonna force any Harry Styles on me today?", he said looking down at me chuckling. Damn he was the perfect man. I pull out my headphones and the hand him a headphone due to our height difference I had to move closed to him and the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't calm down and it got even worse when our hands brushed against each other. I clicked Only Angel. The angelic start came through the headphones as we walked the treat and I watched his face as Harry shouted "hey! Hey!", and I saw his eyes widen a little and I smiled. It was really hard to not sing as we walked along.

"You know your mouthing the words right?", Reid laughed and I pursed my lips as I had not if fact realised that I was. The song finished just as we arrived and we took out the headphones. He opened the door for me and I smiled at him as I went through.

"So did you like the song?", I asked him as we sat down.

"Yeah it's different", I raised my eyebrows at him suspiciously.

"Different?", I say "That doesn't sound very good, Spencer Reid I swear to god if you don't like only angel I am no longer gonn"

"No, no I liked it, I just wasn't expecting it, it's not like his others", I mean he wasn't wrong there, at least out of the ones I had shown him.

"Okay, that is an acceptable answer but just wait until you listen to Kiwi", I smirked and he looked down at the table and laughed as if some kind of joke that I didn't understand. I was about to ask before a waitress came up and turned to Reid with a big smile on his face.

"Hi sir, what can I get for you today?", she said overly friendly and I felt a tinge of anger tun through me.

"Can I have a black coffee with three sugars and a hot chocolate" he said raising his eyes at me and I smiled to assure him that he was right and because it made me feel warm inside that he remembered, although he had an eidetic memory so I guess it didn't mean anything. The waitress nodded and smiled at him.

"Anything else I can get you?" , she asked.

"Um could we get th-the menu, please?" I say smiling softly at her however it was definitely not returned.

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