Build me up Buttercup

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Reid's PoV
As we looked around the bookshop my mind was still on the fact that we held hands, it made my stomach flip everytime I thought about it. As I sat on a chair reading through a book and I glanced up to look at yn who was sat across from me and her eyes were on me already but they quickly darted down to her book when we made eye contact. Was she looking at me? Of course she wasn't. Just after that she stood up and went to look at the shelves of books where they we precariously balanced and all over the place.

I loved to watch yn face light up as we walked in, it was one of my favourite places as well, it was a perfect serenity

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I loved to watch yn face light up as we walked in, it was one of my favourite places as well, it was a perfect serenity. I saw her reach up to get a book and as she pulled it two other books fell down and landed on the floor beside her. She paused for a second and looked and me before bursting out laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with her. I went over to help her put them back up on the shelf. We were stood very close to each other as we were backed in a corner and I could hear her breathing.

"Strangers on a train, good choice", I say quietly looking down at her and my eyes couldn't help but travel to her lips.

"Thanks", she muttered as she looked up at me. I take a step back and I feel her release a breath.

"Are you thinking of buying it?", I asked her trying to diffuse the tension.

"Uh yeah... have you got any good recommendations ", she replies "because I'm looking for something new too read" and she looks at me happily. 20 minutes later we both left with a bag full of books which I wasn't expecting but yn told me about some books she liked, many I had read and many I hadn't, luckily yn had a spare tote bag. "You know I could've just leant you the books right?", she told me as we walked along the side walk.

"Yes, but I prefer to own books"

"I know but like what if you don't like them and then it is my fault that you have books that you don't like", she said quickly.

"Don't worry", I chuckled "I'm sure I will like them". It had just turned 4 o'clock, and he had been out for almost 5 hours which honestly felt like no time at all.

"I need to stop at the grocery shop if that's okay", she told me.

"Yeah, of course", I said as we turned into the shop.

"So what type of food do you like?" she asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders, "Cmon Spence help me out here: Mexican, Indian, Chinese..."

"I'll eat anything, why?"

"How could you forget... your coming to my house to binge watch all of the twilight films", so that is what she meant by we had plans.

"Ooh", I say and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Are you okay with Mexican, but if your not I don't mind, I can cook something else", I assured her that I was fine with whatever she cooked and I followed her around the small grocery shop with a shopping cart that I got for her. She walked around happily placing peppers, chicken, spices, onions and more in the cart. "Okay, I picked dinner now you must pick pudding", she said sternly but I could help but let out a laugh, "What?".

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now