"Don't you call him Baby"

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Y/n PoV:

We had landed almost twelve ours ago and hit the ground running, one more fire had been set whilst we had been here and 3 people are in the ICU but the doctors are confident that they are gonna make it. I was sat in the room that had been assigned to us with Reid and JJ, all of us studying the case.

"I just don't get why he would target all of these places", JJ said in frustration putting down the file that she was looking at.

"Well, from the geological profile they all seem to be in his comfort zone, however I agree with you, these places are too random they must be personal to him." Reid said agreeing with her and pointing at the board. We all went back to silently looking at the case. The silence was broken by a quiet humming coming from Reid.

"Spencer, are you humming Cherry?", I asked in shock and JJ looked up at us.

"yeah um, you know eidetic memory, things tend to stay stuck in here", he chuckled with a half smile.

"I don't care I'll take that as a victory, a new Harry listener added to the world", I said smiling at him from across the room.

"Wait, do you men Harry as in Harry Styles? As in you got dr genius over hear to listen to anything accept what he calls the classics", JJ said, completely astounded and I nodded at her happily. "Which song is it?"

"Cherry", I replied, "it's the one that um goes, 'Don't you call him baby'", I sing lightly after she didn't recognise the name and I turned to see Reid smiling at me but looked away once I met his eyes. I contiued humming the song whilst reading through the case I now knew of by heart.

"Oh my god", I said, "I um I found the connection", I said half-astonished with myself for figuring it out.

"The what?", JJ asked confused. I stood up and went to the board next to Reid.

"Why he is burning the places that he is: first the small sweet shop, then the indoor play ground, after that the cinema and the small pedriatritions office... we thought that he was um targeting busy places or p-places that the local people loved like the sweet shop but I-it's not, he's is targeting places associated with children", I say in a rush and Reid eyes widened at me as I see the pattern. He gets his phone out and dials a number.

"Hey Garcia", he said quickly, "We've got a new lead are you ready", he aked her.

"Am I ready, is the sky blue?", she says play fully over the phone.

"We are looking for a white male, late 30s or early 40s, that live in the local area", he told her and w heard her keys typing away.

"Um this man would be a father either recently divorced and lost custody of his child or had their child pass away in the last seven months", I say hoping she got everything I said but before I could worry too much she had already come up with a list.

"That's a surprisingly large number of people, you are going to need to narrow it down for me", Garcia told us.

"His child would've gone to the um 'Yellow Tree Pedriaticains' and would work a nine to five, blue collar job and would have either quit during the last few days or not have shown up.", JJ told her.

"I've got a name, Arthur Davis, his daughter, Amy, was in a car crash and after spending a couple days in the hospital she past away, oh, after repeatedly saying that it felt like she was burning", Garcia said her tone dropping at the end of the sentence.

"We need an address Garcia", Reid said urgently but as he said it our phones buzzed as a message had come through from Garcia. "Thank you", he said before hanging up. He quickly called Hotch and told him what was happening and we all got strapped up with bullet proof vests.

In the car my adrenaline was rushing and I couldn't keep my foot from bouncing up and down, what if I was completely wrong and we were going after the wrong man? My breathing picked up again and Reid looked at me from the front seat and smiled when he saw my face, a sympathetic smile. I smiled back at him to ensure I was okay. We got to the unsubs house and entered. There was not a noise in the house and we all split up sweeping the house.
"Clear", I shouted from my part of the house and heard the same from the others. The house was a dump; clothes and bottles strewn everywhere and the only thing that remained organised was the mantel piece filled with photos of what I only assumed to be Arthur and his daughter. I studied the photos, "Reid, can you come here a sec", I called over to him and he jogged over. "Correct me if I'm wrong but um these 4 photos are of the daughter in places that have already burnt down", I said and he nodded in agreement "Then were is this one?", I said pointing to the 5th photo in an unknown area.

"I've seen that before... it's the local grocery store that we interviewed not so long ago as the owner saw the fire", Reid told me as he looked at the picture of the small girl holding a handful of oranges whilst pulling a funny face.

"That's where he's gotta be going", I said and we went towards the door running into the rest of the team who had just arrived. We sat in the car, lights on, heart racing as we pulled up to the grocery store. As we opened the car door I heard cries coming from the shop. We split up and covered different exists, I entered through the side and saw Arthur straight away pouring gasoline up and down the aisles, muttering to himself.

"Arthur Davis, I'm yn with the FBI, I'm gonna need you to come with me", I say after taking a deep breathe.

"No, no! I can't do that!", he shouted back at me clearly devolving. He chucked the gas canister to the side crashing into some shelves making me jump.

"Do you think this is what she would've wanted... Amy", he looked up at the sound of his daughters name.

"You don't know what she wanted and what she didn't! She's gone now so it doesn't even matter", he yelled at me. I could see the tears in his eyes and then he started fumbling in his pockets. Hotch came around the corner behind him gun at the ready but I signalled for him to wait.

"You're right Arthur, I didn't know Amy but I heard she was a sweet little girl and she didn't deserve to leave this early", he nodded in agreement. "A-and I can't imagine how it must feel but if you come with me, I will show you who drove the other car that you crashed into", I said knowing fully well we have no idea who was driving the other car. He looked up at me then with the matchbox in his hands. "We have him in the police station, you just come with me and w-we can figure this out".

"Really?", he asked in shock and I nodded and he let the match box fall to the ground and Hotch ran up behind him with the handcuffs and I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding in.
I walked out of the grocery store and Reid came up next to me

"How did you find the connection between the places?", he asked curiously.

"It was you actually, you got Cherry stuck in my head and I kept singing the chorus over and over again and that's when I realised, "don't you call him baby" - the places where linked with children", I told him and he laughed.

"Wow wasn't expecting that... you did a great job in there you can stop worrying now", he smiled at me causing me to do the same.

"Thank you, could you really tell how nervous I was?", I asked embarrassed.

"I mean your leg wouldn't keep still on the ride over so it wasn't very discrete", he says laughing

"Oh great", I sigh

"It's fine I was the only one looking", Reid said reassuringly. "N-not that I saw staring or anything".

"Don't worry about it Spence", I say to him laughing, placing my hand on his shoulder before we got back in the car.

We were in the jet almost straight away and it had been a very long day so everyone fell asleep almost instantly and it was the first time I had slept well I awhile.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now