Sign of the Times

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Warning: Shooting
Yn PoV
My alarm blared loudly, waking me up and I opened my eyes reluctantly. "Fuck me", I said groggily and reached over to turn it off and I turned quickly as I heard someone else in the room. "God you gave me a heart attack", I let a sigh of relief as I saw it was just Spence.

"S-sorry I didn't mean too", he said sitting up and rubbing his eyes, his morning voice making the butterflies in my stomach move about. "You fell asleep s-still holding um my hand and I didn't want to wake you up so I stayed, is that okay?", he muttered, awkwardly tucking back his hair. As I thought back to holding his hand I couldn't help but blush, I'm never usually so ballsy.

"Oh yeah it's fine", I reply, "Thank you for uh checking up on me" and he smiles at me which a gladly return.

"I-I should probably get ready", he spoke breaking the silence and I nodded before he walked out the door. A moment passed before I dancing around in a circle squealing as quietly as possible before flopping on the bed. I held his hand. He slept in my bed. I liked him, fuck. I threw my hands up to cover my face before lifting myself up and getting changed. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought of how weird I looked in Emily's clothes which were quite different to my usual, a lot, lot boobier.

I walked into the room in the police station where we were set up with Hotch to see coffees and an assortment of pastries laid out. "Looking good new girl", Morgan whistled at me and I automatically shrunk into myself and at the same time Reid and JJ smacked his arm coming from different sides and I laughed a little. "What was that for?", he chuckled.

"For being a little pig", JJ she said scrunched up her nose and Spence nodded in agreement and made eye contact with before looking away blushing. I sat down grabbing a donut and picked at it as we got to work.

With help from Garcia and, sadly, from another missing women we had narrowed down the geological profile and the lists of suspects so it was just down to us. The day dragged on whilst we all knocked on door after door but nobody stuck out to any of us and before we knew it, it was lunch. The whole team was taking a break and Reid and I were in charge of getting sandwiches for everyone. We drove to a bakery that I read was good and waited in the queue. "You never told me what you wanted", Reid said whilst nodding his head over to the counter.

"I'm good I don't really want anything", I reply and Spence raised his eyebrows at me.

"You should eat you know because the glucose in our food is broken down in respiration to create ATP which is also know as ad-"

"Adenosine triphosphate, I know I'm just not feeling it", I say, "Hey, isn't one of the people that we want to question live around here?"

"Yep, Robbie Winston"

"This queue is super long maybe I'll just pop around whilst you wait and by the time you are finished I will probably be too"

"Y/n I don't think that's such a good idea", he says softly.

"I'll be fine, I got my glock", I say laughing a little, "plus you need to stay here and get food otherwise we will have a riot on our hands".

"But I still don't thin-"

"It'll be okay", I interrupt before I put my hand on his shoulder and started to walk out of the door. Before I left I signalled for him to phone me when he was finished and walked down the street at a fast pace. I soon reached a door whose brown paint was wilting away and I took a deep breathe before knocking. After a moment the door open and a rather large man opened the door.

"Can I help you?", he said with a gruff voice.

"H-hi I'm with the FBI", I say flashing my badge, "Would it be okay with you if I could come in and um ask you some questions?". Unbothered he let me in. I asked him a few question about where he was at certain times and if he recognised any women but he didn't. Nothing particularly screamed woman-killer to me but his house did give me the creeps, vintage collectibles scattered messily about the place. "Okay thank you so much for your time, I'm gonna head off now", I say as I stand up from a rusty arm chair. I head towards the door when I heard what I thought was a muffled scream and as reflex my hand moves to the gun strapped to my belt. I tried to be as discrete as possible when I turned around to ask if I could look around. I could here my heart beat in my head. I followed Robert around a corner and as soon I did I registered the blinding pain in my thigh before I recognised the sound of a gun being fired and there I was flat on my back, my gun halfway down the hall and the unsub leaning over so close that I could feel his breathe.

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