Watch You Sleep

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As soon as my eyes peeled open the bright morning light hit me and I automatically closed them. But after a moment of protest from my body, I was fully awake.

After the light the next thing I noticed was Reid- neither of us had seemed to move an inch since we slept which was rather unusual for me. Yet here were, holding on to each other as if we were to never to see each other again. My arm is still wrapped around his neck as curled into me, his head on my chest and his arms wrapped tightly around waist.

I move my head slightly to check the time, 11:45 am. Thank god we didn't have work today because I think we both needed rest, Spence especially as he still slept peacefully.

I could do with stretching out however with our legs intertwined with each other's I wasn't going to risk waking him. So instead I rest my head back on the pillow with my chin resting lightly on top of his soft, brown curls.

The more my brain was starting to wake up, the more my thoughts began to race. I wasn't sure what to say to Reid or if he wanted me to even say anything at all. Maybe I could tell him about my family if he wanted however today I feel as if our focus should be on him only.

I close my eyes in order to stop my brain from overloading and instead I pay attention to Reid's quiet, rhythmic breathes. If stayed still enough I could even feel his chest rise and fall against me and I couldn't help but smile.

Warily, as to not wake him, I bring my hand from around his neck and to the back of his head. My fingers weave through his hair and I bring my thumb back of forth slowly hoping to not wake him and if it was even possible I shifted closer to him.

I'm not sure how long I stayed like this but it was long enough for me to almost drift back to sleep but I felt a small shift in the bed. I opened my eyes to see Reid slowly wake up, I immediately moved my arm from around his neck worried that he'd be uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry", I say quietly, "I didn't mean to wake you".

"Don't worry, you didn't", he replied in his usual raspy morning voice.

As much as I wish we could stay clinging to each other like this we both untangled ourselves and Spence shifted up the mattress so his head was now resting on the pillow next to mine.

"How are you?", I asked in an almost whisper, unsure of what to actually say.

"Yeah I'm okay", he tells me. "Better now".

"That's good, sleep can work miracles", I say awkwardly trying to avoid his hazel eyes that seemed to melt me into a puddle with just the smallest of looks.

"It's not the sleep that made me feel better", he whispers so that it's almost impossible to make out. My heart skips a beat at his words and I rake my brain to try and say something but I had a feeling that if I opened my mouth something incoherent would fall out.

"I'm sorry again", he continues, "I've been such a rubbish friend this past week-"

"Honestly Spence it's fine", I interrupt him.

"No, it's not. I've been so caught up in my own life that I couldn't even tell you about how good you looked last night, or how I turned on the radio and a Harry Styles song came on or how that your new shoes were super cool", he says all flustered and his words seemed to be flowing at a mile a second as he stared up at the ceiling not looking at me once.

God damn, he was making it so hard to just be friends.

"Hey, hey", I say calmly placing my hand on his cheek and turning his head so my eyes meet his. "Look none of that matters, you said it to me now and that's all that counts. And sure I was upset and a little mad at you this week but you had your reasons and before you say anything it was a perfectly okay reason. But just for future reference you will come to me next time, no excuses", I finish tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now