Jealousy, Jealousy

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Reid's POV

"Cmon man, you can't leave me in the dark any longer", Morgan corners me into an empty office.

"I have no idea what you talking about", I say before sipping my coffee, peering at him over the cup.

"Don't try play the fool with me", he sits on the edge of the desk as he picks up a pen and begins to twirl it around his fingers. "There is something going on between you and new girl out there and I refuse to let you leave until you tell me"

"Is she technically the new girl? She's been here for almost 6 months, 5 months and 26 days to be exact", I say trying to avoid the topic.

"Exactly! Almost half a year of putting up with your "discrete" glances at her, during almost every moment of every single case. I don't know how much more I can take"

"I don't know what you mean", I stare at the floor hoping that Derek doesn't see my face. I had no idea I was that obvious.

"Bullshit", he says in a sing song voice. "If you don't tell me, I'll go and get your girl and lock you both in here until you address what ever the hell is going on. But no hanky panky or I'll get Human Resources", he winks at me before he goes to walk towards the door but I stand in the way.

"Fine but I hate you", I mutter.

"Sure you do big man, sure you do", he smirks and sits back down and the desk. He lifts up is hand as a gesture to go ahead and I take in a deep breathe.

"Look, if I'm honest, I don't know", I tell him, my eyes avoiding his. "And it's driving me insane, everything I've felt- I am feeling, I've never experienced before".

"Well do you like her?"

"Of course I like her, who doesn't like her? She incredibly selfless, she's sweet to everyone who meets, she so stunningly beautiful and she doesn't even know and her mind; I wish I could preserve it, the way she thinks, she's so determined, like if she wasn't clever enough she's learning how to speed read and she's succeeding. Do you know how difficult it is to do that after you brain has stopped developing? It is near impossible and the fact that I've managed to become friends with this near impossible girl makes me rethink every statistic I've ever know"

I looked up to Derek with a wide grin plastered on his face, the kinda that made the wrinkles by his eyes appear. "Go on", he said, "I know you've got more up there".

I take a moment to think about whether I actually wanted to divulge all I was thinking. On one hand, Morgan is terrible at keeping secrets, sure he works for the FBI and all that nonsense but he can't keep anything from Garcia and she will find a way to broadcast it to the world. But on the other hand, it's been almost half a year of being confused with what I'm feeling and Morgan has a 98% chance of taking home someone when he goes to a bar - I don't get it - so he must understand some things.

"There is also this thing when she talks to other men or anyone really for that matter and if she smiles or they make her laugh, my hands feel super sweaty and I can feel my face flush and I get super fidgety and suddenly I get angry as if I was the only person that should be able to make her happy which is just absurd. And I wish I could be them because I feel like so aggravated that they are getting what I want. And of course I tried googling it but that just said I was having a heart attack which was clearly not true". As I talk, I can see Morgan try not to laugh and I immediately regret telling him. "You know what forget I said anything just don't tell anybody please"

"No no, I'm just shocked that you don't know what jealousy feels like", he chuckles.


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