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I stood there, at his doorstep, completely frozen. It was at this moment when I realised maybe I should've thought about what I was going to do when I got here. But my body was moving quicker than my brain.

"Y/n?", Reid looks at me puzzled, when I don't say anything. "Is everything okay?", his voice twists into a worry as he notices the puffiness in my eyes, that I know is clearly visible. He goes to take my hand when he sees the letter in my hand. "Oh". That's all that escapes him before he sucks in deep breath and begins pouring words out of his mouth. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I don't even know why I sent that, I thought it was a good idea but once I did it I regretted it. I shouldn't have put you in this position".

"Spence", I say quietly, wanting him to stop overthinking the situation.

But he doesn't stop, "I understand if you don't want to talk to me for awhile and it's going to be awkward and uncomfortable but like I said in the letter I care more about being your friend than anything else I ju-"

"Spence", I say louder, this time my hands cup his cheeks and he finally looks me in the eyes for the first time since he saw the letter. "I'm going to kiss you now okay?".

His face freezes for a second before he nodded quickly, "Uh, yeah", he whispers and before I register what I'm about to do, my lips are on his.

The kiss is delicate, it's almost as if we indulged more into each other, the illusion would fade, and I'd wake up from a dream. In contrast to my calm outsides, my insides were screaming. The warmth in my chest that consumed me was only heightened when his seemingly impossible soft lips met mine.

The kiss probably lasted just short of a few seconds but in that moment I felt suspended in time. I couldn't believe this was real, that this was happening. We finally part and I see the smile that Reid is fighting to keep off his face.

"I just kissed you", he exhaled in disbelief and I can't help but let out a quiet laugh.

"I think you'll find I kissed you", I correct him with a smirk on my face.

"My turn then", he said, his hands landing on my hips and he pulls me towards him quickly so that my chest is pressed up against his.

This time the kiss was more passionate, the built up tension that had been growing between us over these past few months was finally boiling over and despite my lips being on his, the ache to be close to him only surges.

My lips part slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside, closing whatever distance was left between us. As the kiss deepened one of his hands remained on my hip with a tight grip whilst the other moved up to my waist, then to my cheek and then it remained on the nape of my neck, his cold rings sending shivers down my spine.

If I'm honest I had no idea where to put my hands, I wasn't the most experienced in the relationship department, but in the end they settled on the back of his head. My fingers intertwined with his hair, in a half attempt to steady myself. The entire situation was intoxicating.

I had no plan of letting him go but when I hear the elevator door ping open from behind me, I'm reminded that we are standing in his doorway and we quickly untangle our bodies from each other. However I don't think we did it quick enough as Reid's neighbour coughs awkwardly and I give her a small wave and when she turns away from us I push Reid through the door and go to follow him but not before hearing the neighbour mutter, "About time".

Once the door is closed, the reality of what just happened hits me. I lean on the back of the door with an embarrassingly big smile on my face and I look up at Spence, who's standing a few inches away from me and he gives me a shy smile.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now