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Warning: violence and guns

Y/n PoV
"Y/n, you and Morgan will be with me in the van around the back of the bar, Rossi will be stationed with Emily in a car out front", Hotch explain and I nodded absent mindedly, it was if I was under water; I could hear his voice and the words but it was muffled, being drowned out by the anxious thoughts that swirled through my brain.

Reid and JJ were going to be undercover and I knew this is what we were trained to do this, this was our life. But that didn't stop me feeling physically sick a the idea that either Reid or JJ could get hurt. We were currently waiting for them to come out of the changing rooms, it was almost time.

The door to the females room swung open and JJ walked out and she was wearing a skin tight red dress, the blonde hair was half pulled up and loose curls sat perfectly on her shoulder. "Oh my god", Prentiss was the first to speak, "You look so good", she says running u to her and giving her a hug.

"Thanks", JJ blushed, "Is it a bit too much with the dress, the lips and the heels?", she asked gesturing to the bright red lipstick that she had on.

"No way", I speak up, "You look stunning".

"What a shame she's married", Morgan chuckles and we all give him a short glare. "What?, I'm kidding, geez. You look great JJ don't sweat it".

"Where's Reid", Hotch says glancing down at his watch, the crease inbetween his eyebrows becoming more and more prominent with every tick of the clock.

"I'll go and check on him", I say before standing up and walking down the corridor to the men's changing room. I take a breathe before knocking on the door lightly. "Spence, are you alright in there?", I ask through the door.

"Yeah", I hear an exasperated sigh.

"Are you almost ready? It's nearly time", I wait for his reply, my eyebrows furrow when he doesn't reply straight away.

"Can you come in here?", he asks quietly through the door.

"I can't, it's the men's changing room"

"I know but I'm the only one in here. I need some help". I wait a second before going in, my curiosity over what he's struggling with getting the best of me.

"Hi", I say as I see him looking at himself in te mirror, I look at hm up and down trying to figure out what was wrong but I got a little distracted by the outfit. He was in black, wide leg dress pants and had a white ribbed vest on. Over the vest he had a burgandy velvet blazer -with black hemming and lapels- that seemed over sized but what caught my  attention was the fake wedding ring on his finger. "You look so good", I scrunch up my nose to try and hide the smile that was starting to spread across my face.

As soon as I say that he turns to look at me with a frustrated look on his face, "No I don't, I look like a spagetti". I stare at him for a second before bursting out with laughter, "What? I'm serious".

"Okay", I composed myself, "I'm sorry, whats the issue?", I walk up to him and pull the edge of his blazer so that it sits straight.

"I look stupid", he sighs. "I'm too lanky for this, why can't I just wear what I was wearing before?", his complaints sounding almost child-like.

"Because you are going to a fancy bar to catch a seral killer not to get bullied in science class and I don't know what you are talking about I think that you look rather dashing", I put on my best English accent for the last part.

"Really?", he blushes.

"Really, although JJ is gonna out shine you but that would happen with anyone who stood next to her", he chuckles at my comment, he turns to look at himself in the mirror and then turns to face me once again.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now