Do I Wanna Know?

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I reached and grabbed Spencer's outstretched hand which pulled me from my bed, despite the excitement I felt towards going somewhere unknown with Spence, it took a lot of energy to get up. Telling people about my life, my actual reality instead of the seemingly perfect charade was exhausting.

Yet I got myself changed into some vintage flares that my mum had thrifted back in the 70s and had painted swirly patterns on, wanting to feel connected to her again, and a blue halter neck top. After getting changed Reid found me sprawled across my bed so grabbed a jacket for me and lifted me off the bed.

"Come on sunshine", he walks me toward the door and I can feel my cheeks heat up slightly, he's never called me that before.

"Are you gonna tell me where we are going?", I pull his hand towards me, when we are in the street, so that he's facing me. He just flashes me his million dollar smile, "so that's a no?".

"You would be correct", he continues to stride forward with his hand still gripping mind and I skip forward to catch up with him.

"I hate you know that", I try to say seriously but I think smile on my face is giving me away slightly.

"Sure you do"


"Look it's nothing special but I think you'll like it", Spence tells me as we make another turning into a small cobblestone alleyway and I see what seems to be a small store at the end.

"Are you crazy to looks amazing", I hit him lightly with the back of my hand as we get closer enough for my eyes to focus on the record shop in front of us.

We stepped in and I gave the old lady working at the till a wave before properly taking a look in the store. Crates filled with records filled up the smaller store and cds where stacked all the way up to the high ceiling and in back was a record player.

As I walked around the place, I began to notice the minor details: the hanging plants that soaked the sun which shined through the window, the mismatched light shades that emitted warm light.

"How did you even find this place?", I quietly asked Reid.

"Magic", he winked.

"Where is the Reid that used to tell the truth because he valued facts?"

"I blame you", he laughs quietly.

"Rude", I scrunch my eyebrow at him. "I blame me too", I sigh in defeat.

"You better start looking", he gestures at the vinyls, "If my calculations are right then there are roughly 34 vinyls per crate therefore there are a round about 1,904 records in here and I didn't even include cds for you to look through".

There was something about his brain that does things to me.

God I need help.

"You are a menace to my bank account by bringing me here", I laugh before starting to look through.

We spent most of the time talking quietly as we searched for wanted albums, he really did know how to get me out of my head and I think he was enjoying himself as well.

"Psst Y/n", Spence loudly whispered from across the shop and I turned to see him at the modern music section holding up the Fine Line vinyl with a smile on his face and I 'discreetly' ran over to him.

"Am I mentally ill for wanting to buy it even though I have one sat at home?"

"Slightly", he says holding up his fingers to create a very small gap and I sigh flopping my head on his chest and he laughs wrapping an arm around me. "However I think you'd be fine for wanting this", I break free from his hug to see what he's referring to. My jaw flies open.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now