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Yn Pov:

I honestly don't think I've loved my life more than I had now.

I was close with everyone at work and despite the fact that I worked with some of the most dangerous individuals in the country, I loved being at the BAU.

It was like my life was finally falling perfectly into place.

However, I feel as if Reid is slipping away from me a little. Nothing huge and maybe I'm over reacting but he doesn't seem as interested in doing things together anymore. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest, I'm a very repetative person: I watch the same films again and again, I read the same books again and again, I listen to the same songs again and again and I talk about the same things again and again.

I'm genuinly shocked he's stuck around this long, it's longer than most people have. Yet none of them seem to make me feel this way. I always saw people leaving as an inevitabilty yet I never thought it would happen Reid or maybe I just wished it wouldn't.

I feel like I'm crazy, I've known this man for only a few months yet I could picture spending the rest of my life with him next to me, even if it was only as friends. He's my partner in crime - literally.

I need to calm my dramatics, even as I think about this he is sat on the other end of the sofa reading a book. Techniqually, I am "reading" but I needed to sort out my thoughts.

I glance up as I think, my eyes tracing over all of Reid's features, from the tip of his nose to his sharp jaw line and eventually to his eyes. I watched them flick quickly across the pages before he turned them a second later.

I was hooked on this man, it was almost painful to just be friends. He's the only person I've ever wanted more than a member of One Direction

"You alright?", I hear his scratchy voice ask quietly, breaking me from my trance. My eyes meet his and I give a small smile and nod.

"Yeah just zoned out", I tell him as he puts down his book. "Is it good?", I say pointing casually to the book, taking his focus off me.

"Almost finished actually, a little predictable but with there being over 129,864,880 books in the world it seems almost wrong to expect an unpredictable book", he states and I can feel a smile stretch across my face.
"What?", he asks when he noticed my expression.

"Nothing, I just love it when you spurt out your random facts", I say and I can see his cheeks flush and he shuffles in his seat.

"I think you are the only one", he speaks after clearing his throat, cheeks still bright red.

"Lucky me then, I guess I'm the only one with any sense", I laugh to myself, crossing my legs on the sofa, so I'm shifted and only a couple inches away from him.

"Thanks", he timidly replies and the room falls quiet.

Moments like this weren't uncommon between us, I'm not sure what they even are. But suddenly the only sounds are our faint breathing and my stomach felt are if it was being stirred and then suddenly one of us would break the silence and it would return to normal. Today it was me.

"So, do you want to watch a film before it get too late?", I say quickly, breaking eye contact.

"Sounds good to me, you can pick"

Normally I would choose since Reid didn't have a large pop culture knowledge but maybe I had become to selfish, picking all the time. Maybe that's why he didn't seem as enthusiastic about hanging out because it was all about me. The thought hit me like a tonne of bricks.

I always made a point of never showing my interests with other people because I felt selfish, like I was drawing the attention away from other people and I didn't want that. I wanted to be selfless yet here I was pushing Spence away.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now