Adore You

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Reid PoV:
I slept well last night, completely exhausted from the all nighter I pulled the other day. I woke up around 11:30 and walked into my kitchen and went to make coffee. I read a book whilst I waited and finished it as I drank my coffee. I sat on my sofa thinking about yn, what did I used to do before my mind was constantly thinking about her, it had only been two days, well 52 hours 39 minutes and 17 seconds since I had met her so I didn't understand my feelings for her. Of course I had been attracted to women and men before but nothing like her. I decide to distract myself again and read another book but I was finished before I knew it. I pulled out my phone and stared at yn contact, I saw she had added a little smile at the end of her name with the colon and the braket and it made me smile. I clicked on the message button and began to type, I then stopped, aware that I had no idea of what to say and threw my phone face down on the sofa. I stood up walked over to my kitchen to make Lunch as I had woken up relatively late, I reached up into my cupboard for the plate but paused when I heard the faint sound of music playing from the adjacent builing and I listened harder and heard a woman singing along to Treat People With Kindness and I laughed, she was my literal neighbour. God, it is like the world loves me but also conspiaring against me. I ate my sandwhich at the kitchen island just listening to the faint music. Soon she turned off the music and it went quiet, I realised how creepy I was being so I turned on the TV and put on Doctor Who in order to distract myself, the intro played and I turned down the volume quickly not wanting to disturb yn as it was quite loud.

Half way through an episode, my phone pinged and I looked down and my face lit up, I opened my phone and there was a message from yn.
Yn: hi :)

I replied back quickly

S: hey, how are you?

Yn: I am good thanks and you?

S: good :)

I replied copying her smiley face hoping she found it as endearing as I do.

Yn: I was wondering if you could send me Rossi's address

S: oh yeah sure, Rossi's address

It all made sense now, I thought she just wanted to talk with me but I guess some contact was better than none.

Yn: is that across town?

S: yeah, is everything okay?

Yn: yeah, do you know the best bus to get to that area?

S: there are five possibilities and the one you take really depends on the type of chair you like, but why would you need a bus?

Yn: well, I sold my old car and I haven't gotten a new one yet so yeah I need the bus

S: But I could just take you.

I smiled hopefully at the screen.

Yn: you would?

S: of course

Yn: omg thank you so much.

S: I'll come get you at 6:25 if that is alright with you?

Yn: perfect I will see you then

S: Bye

I wanted to continue talking with her so badly but I just unpaused Doctor Who.

When it was getting close to the time, I hopped in the showed and went to get changed. I opened up my wardrobe and stared at my clothes, I had no idea what to wear. I never had this kind of trouble picking out clothes I just wear what I usually do on work days but I don't know what was making me hesitate this time. After contemplating for five minutes and 54 seconds I settled on a purple shirt and a sweater vest and some Jeans. I looked in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I let out a sigh, I decided to undo my top button and roll up my sleeves and it looked mildly better.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now