From The Dining Table

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Sorry this took so long to come out I hand major writers block!! It mine seem a bit clunky because I kept on coming back to it but I hope you still enjoy it. If you want me to add anything to the story feel free to message me and I will try my best to include it. Hope you are staying safe and I send you all my love <3

Reids PoV
I didn't really know why we weren't telling the team about yn sleeping over at my house but it seemed like we both came to a silent agreement, I guess it was to avoid their excessive gossiping, however that didn't really work. We all had gotten on the plane and I was sat down next to yn and once we were up in the air we conferenced Garcia in and we started to set up a preliminary profile and all agreed that the brown hair females was either the unsubs type or a surrogate. We soon had finished and everyone broke of into different sections on the plane, Hotch remained sat infront of yn and I, although she soon walked over to the coffee machine to get herself a drink and I caught her eye and she signalled for me to come over and I tried stand up as nonchalantly as possible and walked over to her. "I don't have my go bag", she said quietly, "I only have my clothes from yesterday", and my eyes widened as it hit me and she nodded in agreement with my realisation.

"Well... that's a bit unfortunate", I say and Yn looks at me before laughing quietly by side as she poured her hot chocolate.

"Yeah, what am I gonna do?"

"Um", I think, "you could ask Emily or JJ" and she nods her lips pursed, "I mean there are some shops around or-r I have some spare shirts", I say quickly worried that she didn't like the first suggestion.

"No, no I'll ask Emily, it's no big deal", she said but she began biting her lip nervously which told me otherwise. Was she embarrassed to tell someone that we spent time together? I'm probably not as cool as everyone she usually hangs out with. I shut my eyes hard to try and get those thoughts out of my head, this isn't highschool.

"Speak to me my lovelies", Garcia said through the phone, we had been at Chicago police department all day now.

"Hey baby girl", Morgan replied. "We are about to head back to the hotel now but we wanted you to search up something before we leave"

"No problemo"

"Can you collect the names of all women who died from childbirth in the city", Hotch said as we suspected that is where the unsubs rage came from.

"A-and maybe any women who have any um diseases or problems with their reproductive system caused by childbirth", yn chimed in and I smiled at her when our eyes met.

"The first one is done easy peasy but the second one is gonna awhile because of client confidentiality but my computer can work through that and I get can get you the answers by morning"

"Perfect", Yn replied.

"Now go get some rest my courageous crime fighters", and with that she hung up.

"Chinese anyone?", JJ said and there was collective cheer as we all filed out of the police station.

At the restaurant we were sat at a round table, I was next to yn who was next to Emily and there was a general buzz of conversation as we attempted to get our minds off the case since we had hit a brick wall and the best we could do was wait. "Your not very skilled with the chopsticks are you?", yn giggled at me as I failed once again to get the food in my mouth and I shot her a look as she managed perfectly.

"Oh sorry miss hand eye coordination", I sneered playfully, narrowing my eyes at her which caused her to burst it laughing.

"Oh shove off", she replied returning her focus to her plate.

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now