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"Oh My God!", I shout standing up from my chair on the jet. My face frozen in a state of shock as everyone's face turns towards me, Derek taking of his headphones. "I can't believe it", I squeal and JJ quirks her eyebrows. "I just beat Spence at chess".

There was an uproar of applause from everyone on the jet and a few shouts and whistles as everyone knows this was a dream of mine. I flop back onto the seat feeling rather proud of myself and I look over at Reid who has a small smile on his face. "Well done", he says.

"Thanks, it's taken me way too long", I sigh. "You could've won", I say looking at the board retracing the plays he made.

"No, you played well".

"Liar", I narrow my eyes at him. "You threw the game. However, I'm gonna choose to believe that I won and that I'm the best", he laughed.

"I'm also going to choose to believe that".

Since Spence has been back I think I've done pretty well at keeping the promise that I made to myself. Yes, it's only been less than three days. But I've managed. He doesn't make it easy, with his cute face, his cute facts and his general cute self.

I haven't had much time to talk to him really, except for everyday on the phone. As soon as he got back, we got swept up by the new case which has busted our asses for three days straight and this was about the only time we hadn't thought about the case since then.

"How was your mum?", I ask once we are back at his place.

"Really good actually." He smiles brightly. "She got a bit disorientated sometimes but apart from that the nurses said that considering how her schizophrenia could affect her dementia, she's doing really well".

"That's great", I give him a tight hug. "Did she like her present?"

"Yeah, she really wants to meet you, you know?. She knew that my gift was better than usual and she called me out and asked who bought it.", he blushes and I laugh.

"Oh god, I hope you only said good things about me".

"Always", he smiles. "How was your Christmas with Em?".

"It was so funny, I swear to god as soon as she starts drinking she doesn't stop. And drunk Emily is hilarious.", I can't help but laugh as I think back to Christmas. "It wasn't my usual Christmas day but we still did go and bring a full Christmas meal to the homeless shelter down the road, which was great. If they made a tv show about Em trying to interact with kids, I would watch it daily"

"I know,'' Reid laughs. "You should see her with JJ's kids".

"I do have one question though. How on earth did you find a One Direction night at a club whilst visiting your mother", I smile.

During the break, I got a text message from Reid whilst I was watching Doctor Who, saying how he found a One Direction night at a club around half an hour from here and whether I wanted him to buy us tickets to go.

Of course, I wanted to go. I was genuinely surprised: one that he was even able to find somewhere like that and two that he even wanted to go. The night club is neither mine nor Spence's scene but you must be crazy to think that I was going to pass up this opportunity to scream 'Stole my Heart', next to a bunch of other crazy people.

"I was just surfing", he said nonchalantly.

"Surfing?", I question.

"Yup, the internet", he nods, I let out a snort. "What do people not say that?"

"No but I bet you'll bring it back in style".

"Sounds like something I'd do", he smirks.

"I swear to god if we get a case tomorrow and we can't go, I don't know what I'll do "

Don't Reid Into It (Spencer Reid x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now