¹◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: You are playing Who'd You Rather on the Ellen Show

All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

A/N: I advise to skip the first one. Please spare yourself from the awful writing and just go to the second one. After ⁷ is where they get good! I hope you enjoy your stay, ThisPerson :)

"Today we have the lovely Y/N Y/L/N joining us today from the Avengers movies." That was your cue.

You walk out the doors and are greeted by a chorus of shouts and claps of the many people. You make your way to Ellen and shake her hand. You sat down on the chair and waved to the crowd. Ellen waved her hand and the noise died down. "This is your first time on the show, correct?"

"Yes. Yes it is." You looked at her suspiciously and she looked at you. You had a mini staring contest until she broke. "Aha! I win!" You grinned victoriously.

~Later in the interview~

"Are you dating anyone right now?" Ellen asks you. You were quite shocked at how quickly she changes from one conversation to another.

"No. I am not dating anyone." A series of 'woos' came from the crowd. "Wooow looks like people are happy I'm single." You laughed. 

"Why do you think you're single Y/N?" You don't say anything for a while as you are deep in thought. "You are taking quite a long time to answer." Ellen said interrupting your train of thought. 

"I know it's because I'm absolutely amazing and I have no idea why no one wants to date me." You replied sarcastically flipping your hair with your hands; causing everyone to laugh. 

"We're going to find you somebody because you are twenty-four and I need to know what your type is so I can help you. So lets play Who'd You Rather. -explanation of the game-"

"Before we begin can I quickly do something?" You asked Ellen. She nodded her head. You got up from you seat and lifted the lid to the box beside the chair you were sitting on. The crowd laughed at your actions. You found no one in there, so you sat back down. "Continue." You said like nothing had happened. Two faces appeared on the screen in front of you. 

"Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth?" Ellen said. 

"I know them. I work with them!" You said laughing. (You are part of the Avengers cast)

"That doesn't matter. Play the game." The crowd laughed.

"Hemsworth is married," Your eyes widened, "And has children!"

"It's not real it's just a game it's not going to happen." Ellen laughed.

"Okay...I'm going to go with Chris Evans," A series of 'ooooos' came from the crowd, "Don't worry Hemsworth your still gorgeous." You quickly stated.

"Chris or Scarlett?" Ellen said as the slide changed.

"Scarlett!" You said a little too quickly earning a look from Ellen.

"Scarlett or Tom (Hiddleston)?" You chose Scarlett.

"Scarlett or Elizabeth?" You chose Scarlett over and over again until the game finished.

"Wow what a surprise you ended up with Scarlett!" Ellen said sarcastically. "Come out Scarlett!" Ellen joked.

"Haha what if she was really here? That would be quite embarrassing." You laughed.

~Time skip~

"In the movies I'm like an awesome person that can control water, heal people and I can fight..."

As you were talking to Ellen about your character, Scarlett had crept up behind you without you noticing. "BOO!" Scarlett shouted grabbing your shoulders.

"AHHHHHHH!" You screamed, the crowd burst into a fit of laughter. You quickly curled up into a ball on the chair, soon you felt someone sit beside you and rub your back. When you looked up you saw Scarlett Johansson sitting beside you smiling goofily. You stared at her and pouted, she laughed at you and then pulled you into a hug. 

"I hate you." You mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"No you don't you love me really." Scarlett replied. "The game proved it." She whispered into your ear.


This was really crappy but I hope you enjoyed it. This was kind of based on Saoirse Ronan's Who'd you rather. :) 



Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now