³¹▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Hating medicine.

All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

A/N: Thank you to Dasy02 for the sending me picture above ↑ 
Go check out their Scarlett and Natasha one shot book!

You sat in bed, a pillow supporting your head, wrapped up in layers if blankets and sweat dripping down your forehead. "Ughhh." You groaned. "Do I really have to be this warm? I'm boiling!" Natasha glared at you.

"Yes. Yes you do have to be that warm." Natasha replied. You sighed at her before mumbling an 'okay', she looked at you softly. "I'm sorry, but you're sick, and the sooner you're better the sooner we can cuddle." Natasha smiled, whispering the last part. You giggled at her, but it soon turned into a coughing fit.

Natasha frowned at you. "I think you need some medicine." Your eyes widened. No not the medicine. Natasha got up and searched through the draw, returning with a brown bottle and a spoon. She poured the contents onto the spoon and tried to give it to you.

"Nooo pleeasee don't make me drink the medicineeeee." You whined, as the spoon go closer and closer to your mouth. You moved further and further into the pillow and the spoon just got closer and closer. Your eyes were wide with fear as you stared at the oncoming spoon of death. There was no more pillow to back into, the spoon was about to touch your lips and you quickly turned your head to the side.

Your head turned to the opposite side every time Natasha tried to force you to drink the medicine. Finally, Natasha grumbled, signalling that she had had enough. Suddenly her eyes lit up with an idea. "If you drink the medicine, I'll give you a kiss." She smiled. You grinned, nodding your head and quickly put the spoon into your mouth, consuming the gross syrup.

You cringed at the bitter taste. "Can I have a kiss now?" You smiled hopefully.

"No, you're sick." Natasha replied, walking out of the door. One thing you didn't know about this medicine was that the aftertaste was worse. As soon as she walked out the door the aftertaste hit. You curled up into a ball, no longer caring about the heat, and cried at the disgusting taste and the fact that your girlfriend won't give you a kiss.

~The Next Day~

You were still in bed and you were still wrapped in multiple blankets. You had a shower last night to wash off the sweat, but Natasha just made you wrap up in more blankets. What was the point of washing the sweat off if you were just going to get sweaty right after? When Natasha walked in, you were grumpy with your arms crossed in front of you.

You looked at her angrily, but when you saw the same brown bottle, you whimpered and pouted at her. "Please, I don't want to drink it. I don't mind being sick an extra few days if it means I don't have to drink it." You pleaded. Natasha stared at you and held out a spoon of gross syrup.

"Drink it, the sooner we get this over, the better it'll be." She said forcing the spoon into your mouth. You swirled it around your mouth and your eyebrows furrowed when it tasted like (Your Favourite Flavour). You swallowed it and smiled.

"What'd you do to it? It tastes really good." You grinned.

"I saw how much you hated it so I asked Tony and Bruce, nicely, to make it (Y/F/F) flavoured." She smiled and pecked your forehead before walking out the door. Your girlfriend was the best!

~Previous Day~

Natasha walked out of the door, after promising you a kiss and not giving you one, and quickly walked to Tony and Bruce's lab. She opened the door and stormed inside. She stared both of them in the eye, making them cower underneath her.

"Can you make this medicine (Y/F/F) flavour?" She asked, holding a bottle up.

"Yeah sure, but we're kinda working on somethi-" Bruce started.

"You WILL have this medicine done by tomorrow." Natasha commanded. Tony stood up to speak. "If you don't I know where both of you sleep," She growled, "and Pepper." She added, Tony walked over to Natasha.

"We'll have this (Y/F/F) flavoured by tomorrow." Tony smiled, taking the bottle. Natasha smirked and walked out the door happily.

"Are we really going to do it?" Bruce asked.

"Noo." Tony chuckled. In one swift moment Natasha was behind Tony, a knife to his neck.

"I think you might want to reconsider." Natasha sweetly said. Tony gulped and nodded his head. "That's what I thought." Natasha nicked his skin and left a small cut before putting the blade away. Natasha walked to the corner of the room and sat down in a hair.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Bruce questioned. Natasha shook her head.

"Nope, I'm just going to sit here and watch you as you make the medicine a different flavour." She smiled. Bruce nervously laughed and he and Tony got to work.


Dude! I can't believe I've updated six days in a row xD Requests are back OPEN! So make sure to send them in, Pm me or just leave them in the comments. And *Virtual HUgzz* (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ  I send you all Luck 111, ThisPerson :) 

 And *Virtual HUgzz* (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ  I send you all Luck 111, ThisPerson :) 

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