³⁵▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: A song written under the stars by two lovers.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

"Oh come on Natalia, it'll be fun." You whispered holding her hand and dragging her through the building, barefoot.

"What if we get caught?" Natalia harshly whispered. You quietly scoffed.

"We won't, I've done this so many times before." You replied, still dragging her through the building. Finally, you walked up the stairs and the both of you stood before a locked door.

"It's locked." Natalia noted.

"Obviously." You snarkily remarked. "That's why I come prepared." You added, pulling a bobby pin out of your hair and started to pick the lock. Natalia stood by your side, unamused. You heard that sweet 'click' of freedom and opened the door. You smirked proudly at Natalia, as she walked out onto the roof.

You heard her gasp slightly and you stood by her side. You felt her arms wrap around you, pulling you closer. "It's so beautiful up here." You hummed in agreement. "Why haven't you shown me before?"

"I didn't know if I trusted you." You answered, looking up at the twinkling stars. There was a long pause before Natalia spoke again.

"We've been together for a whole year." She said, almost offended.

"Well then, consider yourself lucky, love." You chuckled. "We should make something, something to resemble us." You whispered, looking up into Natalia's eyes. You watched as her green eyes lit up.

"Like a song?" She whispered back.

"Yes, just like a song." You smiled.

And that's exactly what you did, every week you and Natalia would escape to the roof and add to your song until it was finished.


You've been an official Avenger for a few months now and luckily you haven't died. Yet. You haven't died yet, there was still a possibility. You were sitting at the kitchen table, cereal sitting in front of you, that's if it was still considered cereal. You had been daydreaming for so long it looked more like porridge.

"Morning, Y/N!" Steve joyfully greeted. "What you got there?" He asked, peering into your bowl. "Cereal?" You nodded your head and he stared into the bowl a little longer. "Really?" You nodded your head again. You heard Steve let out a 'hmm' before leaving you to stare at the wall.

Having enough of daydreaming you got up and decided to train. You walked into the gym and wrapped up your hands. When you joined the Avengers, Natalia, well... Natasha, had forgotten what you had and your memories together. All she knew was that the two of you had grown up in the Red Room together and that was it. Maybe she remembered you as a friend or something less, but not more. Natasha didn't remember you being more than a friend to her. It hurt and you took it all out on the punching bag.

Natasha walked past and you heard her humming a familiar tune. You stopped your training and quickly unwrapped your hands and followed her. Natasha didn't know why she was humming this tune. Nor did she know where she knew it from, all she knew was that she liked it and that it  made her feel safe. Like a warm hug from a special somebody.

You watched as she made herself a sandwich and begin to sing. As soon as she started to sing the boys' heads quickly turned in her direction. It wasn't that they had never heard Natasha sing, she always sung around the tower, it was that when she sang they always knew the songs. But this time it was different, they didn't know the song. They rested their arms on the back of the sofa (couch) and listened carefully.

{Kiss Goodnight- I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, 2:10}

Why don't we kiss goodnight?
It might just end my life.
But I'm pretty sure that it's right.
Why don't we kiss goodnight?
Why don't we kiss good...

You grinned at her, she remembered the song. Your song. She turned to face you, feeling your stare, and her eyes flicked down to the necklace you were playing with. She recognised that necklace, she had given it to you.


Hands covered your eyes, forbidding you to see anything other than complete darkness. 

"Where are we going?" You quietly questioned, trusting Natalia as she lead you.

"Somewhere special." Natalia replied, you could hear the smile on her face. You felt the familiar bend and you knew exactly where you were going. You walked up the stairs, still blindfolded by Natalia's hands and walked out onto the roof. The steady wind blowing through your hair. She removed her hands from your eyes and you squinted from the sudden change in brightness.

"Surprise." She grinned holding out her cupped hands in front of you. You looked down and saw a beautiful necklace and gasped. "For you, my sunflower." She said lovingly.

"Why?" You questioned as she turned you around and put the necklace around your neck.

"Because I love you and if we ever forget each other, I'll remember you by this." She pointed at the necklace that hung around your neck. You touched it, a warm feeling tingling across your skin.

"But what will I remember you by?" You asked. 

"Whatever you want." She replied, you took a few seconds to think. When you had gotten the perfect thing, your eyes lit up.

"Your eyes. I'll remember you by your eyes."

~End of Flashback~

After the small pause, she didn't stop singing and you joined in with her. Surprising everyone.

Why don't we kiss goodnight?
It might just end my life.
I'm pretty sure that it's right

As you two sung, memories of you and Natasha creating the song on the roof came flooding into her mind. And Natasha looked at you with a new light in her eyes.

Now we can kiss goodnight?
I don't want to spend my life.
Without your kiss goodnight.
Yeah for the rest of my life.
I need your kiss goodnight.
I hope we kiss good...

The song ended and Natasha walked up to you and engulfed you in a warm hug. You stood there frozen, but Natasha didn't let go.

"What the fuck just happened?" Sam exclaimed, causing a 'language' from Steve and a mocking one from Tony at the same time. Steve glared at Tony and Tony smugly smirked at him.

"Let Lady Natasha have her moment." Thor hushed, waving his hand in front of them.

Coming out of your trance, your arms instinctively wrapped around Natasha and you stood there embracing each other. Natasha moved her head slightly so she rested in the crook of your neck.

"I've missed you so much, my sunflower." She whispered into your ear.


This request was an absolute masterpiece! I hope I fulfilled your expectations. I apologize for not using the song you suggested, but I've been dying to use this song for a one shot and this was the perfect opportunity! Requests are closed until further notice! Have an amazing day or a sweet dream, smilezz :)

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