¹⁷◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Scarlett comes home from filming.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You hadn't seen Scarlett for a few months now, she was filming somewhere in Europe and you really, really missed her. She was so busy with work she wasn't able to call or text you, making her absence seem longer and more lonely than it actually was. She always came back though. She always did.

You were sitting on your sofa (couch) watching another episode of (any TV show) when you received a text from Scarlett. You excitedly squealed, as you read the text. Scarlett was finally coming home! After months of loneliness she was finally coming home. 

You quickly shut off the TV, no longer bothered to finish the episode, and started to clean the house. It was a lot of work because you had been so sad that when you finished work you couldn't come home to Scarlett. You spent most of your time in the bedroom, as it had become your pit of sadness. It was so bad you couldn't even see the floor.

Knowing how stressful Scarlett's work was you decided to cook a special dinner. The dinner had to cook for a very long time so you left it to do something else. You lit candles making the house smell amazing. You received another text from Scarlett, telling you that her plane had landed. Your eyes widened in excitement, it wouldn't be too long until you could hold her again.

You ran up the stairs to prepare the bath, knowing that she likes to relax after her flights. You made the bath hotter than normal so it was the perfect temperature for when she got in. Quickly getting changed into something more suitable than pyjamas, you rushed downstairs to check on the food and candles, you didn't want to accidently burn the house down. 

"Ding! Dong!" The sound of your doorbell made you run to your door and open it. In front of you was Scarlett smiling at you. You quickly threw your arms over Scarlett, engulfing her in a warm hug. She dropped her bags and returned it. Scarlett slightly pulled away from the hug and looked into your eyes before connecting your lips. You hummed at the feeling. She was finally back, here, with you.

"I prepared a bath for you." You smiled pulling away from the kiss.

"You did?" You nodded your head excitedly. "You know just how to treat me." She smiled, before picking up her bags and entering the house. You helped put her bags away before guiding her to the bathroom. You helped her undress, giving small kisses while you did. Once she was in the bath you went out to grab her some comfortable clothes to slip into once she had finished her bath.

Letting her relax you went downstairs to set up the table. Checking the clock dinner was done cooking so you started to plate it.

"Mmm smells nice." You heard behind you, turning around you saw Scarlett smiling.

"I'm glad it does." You smiled back. You pulled out a chair for Scarlett to sit in before you brought the food to her. 

After dinner you cuddled on the sofa (couch), her in between your legs while she rested her head on your chest. 

"I love you, Y/N." She smiled lovingly.

"I love you too, Scarlett."


Honestly, this was awful and I am so sorry. I didn't really know how to expand on the request, it would've been really short if I didn't. Thank you for reading! Remember I appreciate every single one of you! Best wishes, This Person :)

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