⁴³▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Sneaking out with Carol and Valkyrie and becoming very drunk.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You stumbled into the helicarrier a bullet lodged into your leg and one in your stomach. Everyone turned to look at you and their eyes widened with worry. Bucky was the first one to move; he jogged over to you and scooped you up, bridal style, and laid you down on the medical bed. The speaker squeaked a little. "Is everyone on?" Tony asked, unknowing of your injuries. No one answered. You couldn't believe it. Your first mission and you're already hurt. 

Tony jumped from his seat and entered the main area. "Hey, I asked if everyone was o-." His eyes fell on you and his eyes widened just as everyone's had done. "Shit, Nat's gonna kill me." He grumbled. Steve gave Tony a glare, too worn out to say anything. Tony quickly trotted back to the controls and you were off. You felt cold; you were losing quite a bit of blood, but you couldn't die. That would be embarrassing. You fought to keep your eyes open, even though you wanted nothing but to close your eyes and succumb to the feeling of a deep sleep.

Everything was blurry and the next time your vision was clear you were in bed. You began to stretch, but quickly recoiled your limbs. A sharp pain shot through your body causing your nose to scrunch from the feeling. You heard Natasha chuckle beside you and you slowly turned your head to look at her. A soft smile spread across your face as you admired her. Her plump, pink lips, her flowy, red hair, her dazzling, green eyes and her smooth, pale skin. She was a goddess reincarnated.

"How're you doing?" She softly asked. You nodded your head and closed your eyes. "Tired. I'm tired too." You felt Natasha lift the duvet (comforter) and slip into the bed next to you. The blinds were drawn, but somehow light still spilled into the room.

"Did you hurt Tony?" You mumbled as Natasha wrapped her arms, carefully, around you and rested her chin in your neck.

"No..." She lied. You lightly laughed, but it quickly turned into a strangled groan and you grabbed onto your stomach. The wound in your stomach was bad; your leg was practically healed. You were a quick healer, just another quirk that came with being injected with some weird serum. Your powers were unknown and no one knew if quick healing and mind control were your only abilities. 

You felt Natasha plant a kiss on your shoulder; distracting you from the pain. "Sleep, my darling." She comfortingly whispered in your ear. Your eyes fluttered closed and the last thing you remembered was Natasha soothingly tracing patterns across your bare skin.

You woke to the sound of hushed arguing, "She's hurt and in pain." "But it's tradition to go out today." You eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What were they fighting about? You grinned when you remembered, today was the day. You were meant to go out drinking with Carol and Valkyrie. You slid out of bed and got ready. A small, short strapped black dress. You applied a small amount of makeup and did your hair before opening the door. Carol and Valkyrie smirked at you and you attempted to walk past Natasha, but you were quickly pulled behind her.

"Y/N, back into the room." She demanded. You sighed, but listened to her nonetheless. You opened the door and walked back into the room. You groaned, they were going to tease you about this. A few minutes later, Natasha walked into the room. You crossed your arms and pouted. "Don't, you've been shot. Twice." She warned.

"But I'm healed." You countered. Natasha walked up to you and prodded your stomach causing you to wince. Natasha scooped you up and rested you back into bed. 

"I'm going to get you some medicine." Natasha kissed your forehead and left the room. You crossed your arms and wallowed in self pity. Tap, tap tap. You looked over to the window where you saw Carol and Valkyrie. Your eyes lit up and you grinned. You hopped out of bed and grabbed your bag before opening the window and crawling out. Carol wrapped an arm around you and another around Valkyrie.

"Ready?" She smirked.

"Hel yeah I am." Valkyrie whooped and Carol jumped into the air. You admired the view of New York underneath your feet. In a matter of seconds you were at the bar. You smoothed out your dress and walked into the bar with your friends. The three of you, throughout the night, ordered many drinks and were very, very drunk. "Hey, how'd you like to try some Asgardian mead?" Valkyrie drunkenly shouted.

"I'd love to!" You replied pushing your glass forward, Carol doing the same. You watched as Valkyrie filled the two glasses and took a swig from the bottle. You held the glass into the air before downing the whole shot. The room started to spin and you laughed. "That's really strong." You mumbled. Carol and Valkyrie laughed, the two of them completely fine. Your phone started to ring and you fumbled in your bag before fishing it out. You looked to see who was calling and your eyes widened.

"Who is it?" Carol shouted.

"It's Natasha!"

"Don't answer it!" Carol warned, but she was too late. You had already answered.

"Hey baby." You mumbled. "What do you mean, where am I? I'm exactly where you left me." You winced at Natasha telling you off. "Fine, I'm at the bar across the th-" Your phone was torn away from you and dumped into a pint of beer. "I guess I deserve that." You frowned as you stared at your phone in the beer. "My phone looks so sad." 

Carol looked at your phone and laughed. "Yeah it does. It's dead."

"We should bury it." Valkyrie chimed in. You nodded your head and shoved your hand in the pint glass, collecting your phone and spilling beer across the table. The three of you dragged each other out of the bar. You walked around to the back where Carol shot at the concrete, creating a whole. You carefully placed your soggy phone into the hole and you all held hands as you stared down at the phone. After sharing a few words Valkyrie covered the phone with rocks.

You walked back to the front when a car drove in front of you. Natasha quickly climbed down from the drivers seat and slammed the door shut. "You are so pretty and I like you so much." You murmured. 

"You are drunk." Natasha scolded as she walked up to the three of you. "And you're all in trouble." She pointed at Valkyrie. "Especially you. Carol are you sober enough to get Val home?" Carol nodded and grabbed Valkyrie before shooting up into the air. Natasha glared at you and dragged you into the car. "I am so angry and disappointed in you right now." She grumbled as she buckled you in. Natasha walked around the car and climbed into the drives seat.

It was silent, deathly silent. "I love you so much Natasha. Please never leave me." You mumbled. Natasha softly smiled and put on the radio. Throughout the car ride you drunkenly swayed to the music. Natasha lovingly staring at you from time to time. When you arrived at the compound, Natasha carried you into the room. She changed you out of your clothes into pyjamas and brushed your teeth and wiped the makeup off of your face.

You were in bed, Natasha's arms wrapped securely around your waist. "I love you too, Y/N and I'll never leave you. You're my everything." 


Holy Moly, I can't believe it. 200k reads! This is absolutely  amazing and over 5k votes. This story is doing so much better than I thought it ever would. Smiles for everyone :) :) :) :) :) Thank you all, I hope you have an amazing day :3

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