¹⁵▴Natasha Romanoff▴

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Plot: Secret Superpowers Part 2.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

Previously: "Y/N Y/L/N how would you like to become an Avenger?" He asked, smirking down at you.


You obviously accepted because who would be stupid enough not to? You helped Fury to move Bucky to a bed where he'd be more comfortable. You had no idea that move actually worked or not, but you had to try. Luckily for you it did. That move earned you a spot on the Avenger's team and your awesome ability to inflict pain with your brain. 

You sat next to the bed Bucky was on waiting for him to wake. You were able to examine him, the way a person sleeps reveals a lot about a person. By the way Bucky was sleeping, you could tell that he was scared and felt vulnerable so he put up walls to protect himself. There was no denying that Bucky Barnes was an attractive person, his strong figure, gorgeous eyes and charming demeanour could make anyone fall for him.

Bucky started to stir and you sat up. Bucky looked around the room before his eyes landed on you. His gaze hardened and you sheepishly looked at him, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 

"How long have I been out?" He questioned. You looked up at the wall before answering.

"About fifteen minutes." You replied. "Sorry that I um... that I err-"

"Knocked me out?" He smiled, you nodded your head. "Don't be sorry it was a cool move. Didn't expect it. But you wiggling around was really weird." He chuckled. Bucky had no idea why he felt so comfortable with you, all he knew was that it felt nice.

"I had no idea what I was doing. I bet Fury thinks I'm a weirdo." You laughed. Bucky was so easy to talk to and you became friends easily.


You walked behind Fury and Tony through the tower. It was finally time to meet the other Avengers. You were really, really nervous, but you didn't let it show. You all walked through some doors to a training room.

"Avengers we have a new recruit!" Tony announced clapping his hands together loudly. Everyone turned their heads to face you and you just stood there awkwardly. "This is Y/N Y/L/N. Be nice, we don't want her ending up like the last recruit." Your eyes widened and you worriedly looked at Tony. What the hell happened to the last recruit? 

"Please introduce yourselves, as Y/N lives under a rock and didn't even know who I was when we first met." Tony sighed. All of the attention is back on you and you just awkwardly waved. 

"~Avengers introducing themselves~"

"Natasha Romanoff." A husky voice introduced. You turned you head to look at her and you were met with a beautiful woman with curly red hair and glowing, forest green eyes. It was like love at first sight. You stare at her with your mouth slightly open before you noticed what you were doing and quickly averted your eyes to the ground, heat rising to your cheeks. Natasha smirked to herself, pleased with your reaction.


You had become good friends with Wanda, as she helped you with your powers and Bucky because he was awesome and comfortable to be around. You had gotten along with everyone on the team and you hadn't died yet, so that was a bonus. Unlike the last recruit. They died for 'unknown reasons', but you didn't question them, you just let it be.

You were sat on your bed with Wanda, as she talked about something, you weren't listening though, you were too busy thinking about how pretty Natasha was.

"Are you even listening?" Wanda asked waving a hand in front of you.

"No I'm not listening, sorry Wanda." You apologized.

"SOoo... Natasha?" Wanda smirked looking at you.

"Pardon?" You asked confused.

"I never knew that you liked girls, looking back on it, I should've known." You eyes widened, you had forgotten that Wanda could read minds. There was no getting out of this one.

"Yeah I suppose it never came up so I never told anyone about it." You shrugged.

"You know I think Natasha likes you too." 

"No she doesn't." You denied. "She doesn't even pay attention to me."

"Trust me she pay a lot of attention to you." Wanda wiggled her eyebrows. You laughed at her before pushing her off of the bed.


"So Y/N would you ever date one of us?" Sam asked gesturing to himself and the boys.

"No." You said bluntly.

"Why?" He asked clearly offended, making you giggle at him.

"I like girls, Sam" You laughed. "You're all very lovely men, but I like girls." Little did you know that Natasha was listening, her heart beat in her chest when she had found out that you liked girls and butterflies erupted into your stomach. "Bye boys, I'm going to go and get a drink." You waved, walking towards the bar.

You ordered a drink and that's when you felt someone approach you. Looking over your shoulder you saw Natasha standing behind you.

"Is this seat taken?" She questioned, motioning towards the chair beside you. You shook your head unable to form words. You watched as she sat down in the seat and you just stared at her, amazed. Her strapless black dress hugging her curves perfectly. (Picture above) 

"You look really pretty." You complimented, smiling shyly.

"You are so cute Y/N." Natasha smiled. Your cheeks flushed red and she smirked down at you. 


After a few drinks and a lot of talking and laughing you were becoming tired and very drunk. "You're so beautiful Natasha." You mumbled drunkenly. She looked down at you, clearly a lot more sober than you were.

"I think you're beautiful too Y/N." She smiled. 

"I really want to kiss you." You wrapped your arms around her neck. "Can I kiss you?" Natasha smiled at you. 

"Maybe another day when you're not so drunk." She laughed. "Come on let's get you to bed." Natasha said helping you from your chair. Soon you made it into your room where you flopped onto your bed. Sighing happily at the softness of your bed. Natasha helped you change into more comfortable clothes before tucking you into bed.

"Goodnight Natasha." You mumbled before you fell asleep.

"Goodnight Y/N." Natasha whispered kissing you on the forehead.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TEN THOUSAND READS!!!  WOAH 10,000 THAT'S A REALLY BIG NUMBER! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening from this person :)

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