¹⁹◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Soulmate AU.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

People constantly joked that you didn't have a soulmate; you would normally laugh along with them, but sometime it got to you. What if you really didn't have a soulmate?  What if you were to forever be alone? Everyone's main goal in life is to find their soulmate. However yours was to find out if had a soulmate at all. 

Everyone had a soulmate tie, there were many different ones too. From the red string to tattoos and first words, anything that could be a soulmate tie was a soulmate tie. Others were harder to figure out than others. Usually different types of soulmate ties ran in families, so if your parents had the red string soulmate tie you were most likely to have the same tie. But you had to be different, no radar. Your parents had the radar tie, meaning that if their soulmate was close a loud beeping sound could be heard. Your parents knew they had it because of the radar birthmark.

When you were born your parents checked for the birthmark, but you didn't have one. They had tried anything and everything in their power to figure out which tie you had. You really appreciated their efforts, but they had to come to terms that there was nothing they could do.

Today was Friday. A special day. Not only was it the end of the week, it was also the day your best friends would come over to watch Jimmy Fallon. (Name) had already found their soulmate and now lived in a world full of colour. Before they met their soulmate they were unable to see colour, meaning they lived a life knowing that they had a soulmate. Which you envied, but you couldn't be happier for them. They deserved it. They really did.

You set up the sofa (couch), so it was more of a large bed than an actual sofa and prepared snacks to munch on. (Name) was the first one to arrive, giving them first choice to the blankets. You chuckled when they grabbed the blanket they always fight over with (Other name).

"10 quid (bucks) (Other name) arrives with a bruise." (Name) said smugly.

"10 quid (bucks) they arrive with a cut." You smirked, holding your hand out for them to shake.

"Deal!" They said shaking your hand.

You were sitting on the sofa with (Name ) when the door opened. (Other name) came in a hood covering their head. Once they locked the door they looked up and greeted you both with a large grin.

"I'm never going to get tired of doing this." (Other name) smiled brightly, hanging their coat up and picking up a blanket. They flopped onto the sofa beside you and you grabbed their head searching for any injuries. "No bruises or scratches today!" They beamed. (Other name) had the pain soulmate tie and it didn't help that their soulmate was really clumsy or got into multiple fights.

"I'm so happy they didn't hurt themselves because it's kind of getting out of hand. Do they even think of you when this type of stuff happens?" (Name) huffed.

"Maybe you should let them know that you're there and punch yourself or something." You suggested. "Because they probably don't even though that they have a soulmate! You never get hurt." You added.

"Yeah you should try it out, but I suggest just pinching yourself. We don't want you to punch yourself." (Name) laughed. (Other name) nodded their head before pinching themselves on the arm.

"Oww." Their hand shot up to rub their neck. "They definitely  know I'm there now." They smiled.

"Hey! Hey! It's starting!" (Name) shouted slapping your head. You looked at them offended before jabbing them in the side. Smirking when they grunted in pain.

All three of you stared at the TV like kittens watching a fish. "SCARLETT JOHANSSON!" Jimmy announced. Your heart started to beat faster and faster. Your all time celebrity crush was on the Jimmy Fallon show, tonight! Scarlett walks out and sits in the chair. Butterflies erupted into your stomach, Scarlett just got prettier and prettier every time you saw her. 

You had a wide smile while she was talking and soon you drifted off into a daydream. You were rudely interrupted by an annoying hand waving in front of you.

"Why are you smiling like that?" (Name) asked.

"It's because of Scarlett dip shit." (Other name) said making you blush. 

"Ohhh yeah I forgot that she was your ultimate celebrity crush." She laughed. You rubbed the back of your neck when suddenly Scarlett started to laugh, her hand on her neck. Your friends noticed this and looked at you with wide eyes. "Did she just?"

"Pinch your neck, Y/N" (Other name) demanded. You pinched your neck while you were all staring at the screen. You saw Scarlett flinch. "OHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD!!!"

"YOUR SOULMATE IS SCARLETT JOHANSSON!!!" Your friends screamed. "DO IT AGAIN!" Not wanting to hurt Scarlett you tickled your neck. Scarlett started to laugh again.

"Scarlett why are you laughing?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm so sorry it's my soulmate." She explained. Your eyes widened. Scarlett Johansson was your soulmate. You couldn't believe it. The Scarlett Johansson was your soulmate. Better than that, you actually had a soulmate.

"Is there anything you want to say to your soulmate if they're watching?" Jimmy asked.

"Hey soulmate, if you're watching you probably thought that you didn't have one. See this tie is one sided so every time you touch yourself- that doesn't sound right." Scarlett laughed. "So whatever you do to yourself I feel it." She explained. Everything was making sense now, your soulmate tie was one sided.

Now that you knew who your soulmate was, you just needed to get to her.


I know I said that this would take a while, but I have absolutely no life and nothing else to do xD I may do a Part 2 if you would like? Let me know. I'm also thinking about doing a Part 3 to Tony Stark's Secret Daughter, but I need ideas! If you have any leave them in the comments! Thank you for reading! I wish you all the very best! :) I'm going to bed now, I'm super sleepy Zzz 

Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora