³◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Sharing a hotel room.

All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP!" You woke up to Chris shaking you vigorously and shouting in your ear.

"Ughh. Remove your large man hands from my body you're going to break me Hemsworth!" You groaned. You had fallen asleep on set, but it was okay, as you had finished shooting your scenes.

"Y/N/N how do you sleep on the floor? You do know we have chairs." Chris laughed. You looked around  confused; you hadn't even noticed that you were on the floor.

"Superpowers Chris. Superpowers." You mumbled sleepily. You rested your head back onto the ground and quickly fell asleep again. Chris sighed as he noticed that you were back in dream-land. He picked you up easily and carried your sleeping body bridal style. Your small frame a contrast to his large one. He carried you to the coach and buckled you in.

You had slept through the entire coach ride and the other cast members marvelled at how long you were able to sleep for. They didn't mind though. You were a pretty sleeper and you looked peaceful. 

"Y/N it's time to wake up." Robert said.

"No. Daddy I will not wake up. I'm sleepy." You replied not knowing what you were saying or to who it was. In the background Lizzy was videoing it on her phone and the cast laughed at what you had said.

"Hemsworth can you carry her?" Robert asked. Chris walked towards you, but you quickly woke up.

"Stay back foul beast!" You said drawing an imaginary sword and holding it towards him. In the corner of your eye you saw Lizzy holding up her phone. "Omg are you filming?" Lizzy nodded her head and quickly put her phone away.

"Now I can blackmail you." Lizzy smirked. Over the time you were sleeping she had gotten many photos of you.

~In the hotel Lobby~

You sat on your suitcase rolling around, as you waited for the rest of the crew to get to the hotel. It was you, Hemsworth, Tony, Lizzy and some other crew in the lobby. Everyone was extremely bored so Lizzy started a live on instagram. To you it just looked like she was on her phone so you continued to roll around.

"Hey Lizzy what are you doi-" Before you could finish your sentence the wheel jammed and you face planted the floor. Lizzy, who had gotten this on video, and the Hemsworth laughed at you. You found it funny as well and started to laugh with them.

As you were laughing the rest of the cast and crew entered and without you knowing Evans had come up behind you. "BOO!" You screamed and curled up into a ball on the floor, causing another wave of laughter to erupt from everyone.

"Okay everyone! Here are your room keys. Scarlett and Lizzy you two are sharing!" The manager announced.

"Can I swap with Y/N?" Lizzy asked.

"Sure. If she agrees to it." The manager replied.

"Wha-" You started to protest, but Lizzy waved her phone in the air.

"Fine." You mumbled getting up from the floor. The manager handed you your room key and you made your way up. You unlocked the door and found that Scarlett was already there. 

"Hey Y/N/N I thought I was rooming with Lizzy." Scarlett asked confused.

"You were, but now you have me." You stated.


"Blackmail. She has a whole bunch of photos of me sleeping and some videos of me doing weird stuff." You replied. You closed the door and started to make your way to your bed, but found that there was only one. Scarlett noticed that you had figured out that there was only one.

"We're sharing if you don't mind." She said. You nodded your head. It was getting late so you took a quick shower and brushed your teeth. Grabbing your cuddly toy (Stuffed animal etc... that's just what I call it xD) you made your way to the bed. Scarlett had showered before you so she was already there.

She noticed your toy and eyed it. "What? S/He keeps me safe. Do you want her/him to sleep on the floor?" You questioned. Scarlett shook her head. You smiled and crawled into the bed; luckily it was a double so you both had plenty of room. 

You were about to close your eyes, but Scarlett began to giggle at her phone. "What are you looking at?" You asked her.

"Nothing~" She replied. You turned around and tried to look at what she was doing. She swiftly moved away, you only caught a glimpse of, but it was enough.

"SHE SENT THEM TO YOU?" You gasped.

"Don't be mad you're adorable." Scarlett laughed, making you blush.

~During the night~

Lizzy and the rest of the Avengers snuck into your room quietly. Smirking to themselves when they found you snuggling into Scarlett's neck and her arm wrapped around your waist. They all took a few photos, thankful that you were both deep sleepers so they were able to turn on the light. They exited the room giggling excitedly as they had gotten away.

~In the morning~

Click! You woke up to the sound of a phone clicking. Opening your eye you see Scarlett standing on the bed holding up her phone. When she noticed that you were awake she grinned.

"I'm so glad you don't had social media." You announced still cuddling your toy.

"I don't but Lizzy does."


Yayy another update! I hope you enjoyed it and remember to request :)


Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now