⁸▴Natasha Romanoff ▴

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Plot: Earning Natasha's trust.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You walked behind Fury, as he lead you to meet the Avengers. You were a new recruit. You couldn't lie you were quite scared; most of the new recruits die on the first mission. You just hoped that you were the exception. Even though you were scared you didn't let it show. You entered the hall after Fury.

"We have a new recruit! Make sure this one doesn't die." Fury announced. "Y/N step forward." You stepped forward so you stood next to him. Your face showed no emotion and your eyes were cold. Captain America was the first person to greet you. Holding his hand out you stared down at it and brought your hand out slowly and shook it. 

"So... Y/N what do you do?" Steve questioned. 

"I'm a blood bender. (Idea from Avatar/Legend of Korra)  Would you like to test it out?" You questioned. "It's perfectly safe, just a new experience." You smirked. Steve glanced to Fury asking if it was safe. Fury nodded his head and smirked. Steve looked around to the other Avengers they all nodded their head, wanting know what you could do.

"Yes, I suppose." He sighed. You stared at him coldly into his eyes and he started to groan. "I-I can't move." Steve said shocked. He started to lift off the ground and was soon flat against the ceiling.

"Am I hurting you?" You asked him. He shook his head.

"No, I just can't move. And it feels weird." He laughed. Tony walked towards you.

"Y/N do you know how many you can do at one time?" He asked amazed. You looked at him and shook your head. "Okay everyone! If you do not want to be lifted by your blood just step out of the room." Tony shouted. Fury exited the room with Natasha. 

"Okay are you all ready?" You questioned. Steve was still on the ceiling.

"Yes. Just smash us into the ceiling!" Tony said excitedly.

"Just Tony!" Everyone shouted. All at once they started to be lifted off of the floor. Except for Tony he was shot up into the ceiling. 

"Are you okay!" You shouted. Tony looked down at you and nodded his head groaning.

Meanwhile Natasha and Fury were looking at you from the window. "I don't like her." Natasha said. Fury turned to look at her.

"You don't like many people Agent Romanoff." Fury replied. 

"I know, but I've got this weird feeling. I don't think she's trustworthy." 

~One Week Later~

You were in the training room sparring with Steve. He was a lot taller than you and a lot stronger, but you were quick. You thanked your days playing video games; your reaction time was perfect. "Agent Y/L/N and Agent Romanoff you are needed in Fury's office." J.A.R.V.I.S announced. You stood there listening to the robot. Steve took this as a chance to tackle you and charged towards you, but before he could reach you he was lifted into the air.

"Captain, I'm needed elsewhere I'll be back though." You said hopping out of the training room. 

"Hey! I'm still in the air!" Steve screamed making you chuckle. You made your way to Fury's office where you found Natasha. You waved at her, but all you received was a scowl. You didn't know what you had done for her to hate you, but you didn't have anything against her.

"Now that the both of you are here, I can tell you why." Fury started. "The both of you need to collect intel from Hydra. Their base is located North-West of here. In a forest, I'll send you the location. You can leave now." You turned to leave, but was stopped. "And Y/N, please release Rogers." You sighed and released him. You all heard a thump and a loud groan echo from the corridor; making Fury chuckle. You quickly exited his office and went to go tell Steve the good news.

"I don't want to do the mission." Natasha announced quickly. Fury looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. 

"You don't get a choice I'm making you do this mission. You never know there may be a chance that you get along." Fury nodded to the door, notifying for Natasha to leave his office. Natasha spun around quickly and stormed out of his office.

~During The Mission~

You ran behind Natasha, blood bending Hydra agents, as you ran by. The both of you got to the computer. Natasha downloaded, as you fought off the people trying to attack you. You protected Natasha while she was busy hacking into the computer. There were many Hydra agents surrounding you. You blood bended as many as you could while fighting off the others. Walking past the floating agents you sliced their necks.

Too focused on fighting you didn't notice the Hydra agent aiming a gun at Natasha. You quickly blood bended them, but it was too late. A bullet was flying towards Natasha. You quickly sprinted towards Natasha and jumped. It felt like slow motion, your body shielding Natasha's head from being hit.

The bullet hit you in the stomach and you smashed into the floor. "Fuck you gravity." You grumbled. You clutched onto your stomach, applying pressure. Natasha looked down at you shocked. "Romanoff, carry on doing whatever you are doing with the computer." You mumbled she nodded her head and resumed what she was doing. 

You don't know what it was, but you became more powerful and you were able to blood bend every agent. Though you could feel yourself growing weaker your urge to stay alive was strong. Finally, Natasha was done with her downloading and quickly yanked the stick out. Natasha crouched down to you. You looked up at her and weakly smiled.

"Do you want to keep the bullet? I mean it was going to be for you anyway, but thankfully for you it's now in my stomach and not in your head." You smirked. You looked around and saw the multiple bodies struggling in the air; with all of your energy you burst all of their veins. The bodies fell from the air and slumped lifelessly on the ground.

Your vision started to become blurry and you felt light-headed. "I'm bleeding out." You mumbled. Natasha looked down at you sadly. "If you want to know, my blood type is... red." You whispered weakly. Natasha quickly picked you up and ran out of the base. 

Back at the tower you lay lifelessly on a white bed with multiple tubes coming out of you. Natasha looked at you from the window. She felt sad and she didn't know why. Fury walked up beside her. 

"Do you trust her now?" Fury asked her. Still staring sadly at you she replied with,

"Yes, I trust her."


HOLY MOLY! 1000 READS!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING! Sorry for not updating for a while. Anywayz I hope you enjoyed this update. Especially the person who requested it. Thank you so much for reading and remember to request :)


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