⁴⁸◽Scarlett Johansson◽

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Plot: Just another cheesy reunion.


All Rights Reserved! This Is My Own Story!

You nervously played with your hands as you watched Scarlett, from the TV, enter the room. Her bright smile was followed by a round of applause and hoots. You were decked out in your Navy uniform and your heart panged at the sight of Scarlett. You had really, really missed her. Previously, you had been deployed over seas; for nearly a whole year. But now you were back and with something very, very special. Something that would, hopefully, bind you to each other forever.

"So Scarlett, how's everything been going with your relationship?" Jimmy asked as he struggled to hide the smirk on his face. 

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Scarlett laughed, eyes furrowing in confusion. Jimmy playfully shrugged his shoulders and a huge grin was displayed on hid face. "Well, umm my relationship has been going really well." She paused like that was going to be her whole answer, but she decided to continue. "Y/N's like the best person in the whole entire world-no universe-and she's all mine. I get to have her all to myself and yeah, she's just wonderful." Scarlett's eyes were full of so much love and adoration; your heart swelled with happiness and butterflies erupted in your stomach.

"How's Y/N been doing, have you heard from her at all? When was the last time you talked to her?" 

"The last time I talked to her was last night actually. We've been able to stay in contact and she always texts me and calls me whenever she can. Sometimes when she's on duty." She whispered the last part. "God, I miss her so much and I just wish she could come home already!" Little did she know that you were in the same building as her.

"How long have you two been dating? Like two-three years?" Scarlett nodded her head. "Ever thought about putting a ring on it?" You chuckled as you saw Scarlett's face heat up. Her blush contrasting against her pale complexion. 

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know." Scarlett shrugged as she hid her face ever so slightly. The crowd awed at her shy state. 

~Later in the interview~

"I've actually got some gifts to give you all." Jimmy happily mentioned. "If you don't mind, it'd be best if you all stood up." You could hear your heart thumping in your chest. This was it. This was the time to shine. Jimmy ran off set. Hearing foot steps you turned your head to see Jimmy running towards you. "Follow me." You followed him to a large door. "As I am handing out the gifts, this door is going to open. You are going to walk out, her back will be to you so she won't see you. You know the rest. Are you ready?" He comfortingly massaged your shoulders slightly.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You let out a shaky breath and Jimmy grabbed a bag before running back.

Jimmy walked back onto set and waved to the crowd; who were already clapping. He walked up to Robert and searched through the bag before presenting to him an arc reactor made out of Lego. Next was Chris Hemsworth who got a Lego Thor helmet. The door quietly swung open. You patted your pocket to make sure you still had it and slowly walked out, a finger to your lips. The crowd excitedly, but silently, shuffled in their seats. Chris Evan got a Lego Captain America shield, Jeremy got a Lego arrow and Mark got a Lego Hulk. 

Jimmy got to Scarlett and dropped the bag before pointing behind her. Scarlett laughed in confusion, but turned around anyway. Her jaw gaped open in surprise because there, not even two feet away from her, was the love of her life down on one knee and a beautiful ring in hand. Scarlett quickly made her way towards you before collapsing onto the floor. She embraced you in a warm hug as tears rolled down her cheeks. Ring still in hand, you wiped her tears away and smiled. Her lips made their way to yours in a short, but full of love kiss. You felt her nod her head repeatedly during the kiss, the taste of her salty tears on your tongue.

"I haven't even asked the question yet." You chuckled as you helped Scarlett up from the floor. The audience laughed along with you. Looking up you see the rest of the cast holding up their phones, recording the special moment.

"It doesn't matter it's a yes." She laughed as she wiped her tearstained cheeks. "God, I wasn't prepared to cry today." Scarlett mumbled and tissues quickly made its way to her. You held onto her hand and happily slipped on the ring, the crowd cheered and applauded, and then you caught her lips in another kiss.


Yess! Another update! I'm so happy xD I would like to mention that all my stories are reserved and they are not to be posted anywhere else without my permission. If you use any of my ideas please, please give me credit. Just put my Wattpad user in the description and say you got the idea from me. That's all I ask! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and I know it's annoying, but yeah- Anyways, THANK YOU ALL FOR READING AND SUPPORTING ME! I THINK THIS BOOK IS COMING TO AN END. I'M HOPING FOR AT LEAST 50 CHAPTERS. Umm I wish you all an amazing week :3 Lots of love - ThisPerson <333

 Umm I wish you all an amazing week :3 Lots of love - ThisPerson <333

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